
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Why love is vital in marriages in South Sudan

4 min read
Betty Yom Mageer

Betty Yom Mageer

By Betty Yom Mageer, Nairobi, Kenya

Thursday, June 02, 2021 (PW) — Love is the soul of marriage on earth. The beauty of love in marriages around the world can’t be underestimate in life. Marriage without love is like tea without sugar. Marriage without love is like meal without salt and it is tasteless in life. Love is an engine of excellent marriage.

Love is the fuel that keep beautiful marriage shine brightly and lovingly on this planet. Love is the major solution to remedy many challenges facing modern marriages on this 21st century. Love is the key for remarkable marriage in life. 

Moreover, in our dearest South Sudan and around the globenowadays. We’ve seen many marriages falling part while others are in the matrimonial ICU unit. Others are in the deathbedalready. Others have already passed on. Others are facing merciless divorces on earth. 

Others are nearing complete death. Others are waiting for their funerals to been carry out by the mourners of love affairs in marriages. Furthermore, in South Sudan nowadays, there’re many loveless marriages and I don’t know how they survive challenges of loveless marriages. 

Marriages without love in them are like sugarcanes that’resugarless although they’re sugarcanes in the sugarcane’splantation. Additionally, sugarless sugarcanes are fruitless and they undermine the rules of agriculture and nature that demand that they should be fruitful and delicious so that farmers can enjoy them. 

The same thing is true with marriage dear readerand compatriot. A loveless marriage is like sugarless sugarcane. Love is the only things that sweeten marriages in life and prevent ungodly and unhealthy habits of unfaithfulness, adultery, divorce, insecurity, mistrust and senseless fights and arguments in many marriages in life. 

Additionally, we should allow love to be sweetening marriages in South Sudan. We should allow love to be sugaring marriages in our country. We should allow love to cement marriages in our nation. We should allow love to be the glue of marriages in South Sudan. We should allow love to remedy many hardships facing marriages in our beloved young South Sudan. 

Moreover, marriages are useless without true love in them and fake love is worst in marriages. Fake love is like cancer in marriages. Fake love is like thorn in the flesh. Fake love is dangerous for healthy marriages. 

Fake love is like machine gun without ammunitions in it. Fake love is like bullets of AK-47 that’ve been boiled and cannot be effective and efficient in the war field on earth. Fake love is like dead love and it cannot be fruitful and beneficial anymore in life. Furthermore, fake love is like an enemy of progress in the world. 

Fake love is like a nation without peace and unity on earth. Fake love is like a nation that doesn’t give women their rightful share in the government in the world. fake love is like a nation that has no sincere democracy and effective rule of laws on this planet. Fake love is like a country that always engage in meaningless civil wars on earth.

Fake love is like a person who always solve marriage’s problems using violence in the world. Fake love is like a person who rape innocent girls and women in life. Fake love is like a nation that doesn’t give her citizens lasting peace and to allow them enjoy the fruits of peace and unity in the world. 

Lastly, we need true love in marriages in South Sudan and globally. We need true love to keep marriages in our nation. We need true love to protect marriages in South Sudan and earth wide. Dear reader,kindly accepts and maintain true love in your marriage and relationship with your partner in life and you’ll enjoy the fruits of true love in South Sudan and worldwide.  

The author is a women’s rights activist and can be reach via Email:

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