
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

An open letter to Cde. Daniel Abocha: The Disintegration of SPLM Youth league in Aweil, South Sudan

6 min read

Red army procession in Aweil, Sept 2016

An open letter To: Cde. Daniel Abocha Ali, Chairman, SPLM National Youth League/Juba,

Through: Cde. William Kur Makur, SPLM Chairperson, NBGS- Aweil,

Subject: Disintegration of SPLM Youth league membership in Aweil East County,

By Ater Garang Ariath, Aweil, South Sudan

Tuesday, June 15, 2021 (PW) — Dear comrades, good SPLM morning! First, I should like to express my gratitude to the SPLM leadership in different spheres for SPLM trust bestowed upon you all. Four days from now, aftermath appointment of Mr. Garang Mou Anyar aka Mangar Mou Anyar, as SPLM Youth League Interim Chairperson, Aweil East County, twitched SPLM Youth league membership into widespread disintegration.

As SPLM stalwart in this particular county,  I am concern and this is my last wake up call for the SPLM leadership to extinguished the political fire underneath, otherwise I am afraid SPLM Youth league membership got SSOA groomed youth leader in disguise.

Mr. Mangar Mou Anyar, the former Speaker of Abiem Youth Council ( AYC) a group that was purposely formed for political leech to breakdown the SPLM stronghold and soften ground for unholy political alliance among seemingly antagonistic groups for adhoc or hidden agenda, has now achieved it target.

The closest aides in the Office of the Vice President on Service Clusters,  Mr. Mangar Mou appointment indicate an important reality of a wolf in sheep’s skin.

Therefore, like every other member of SPLM in Aweil East, I wish both national and state SPLM Youth league leadership to review what qualified Mr. Mangar Mou Anyar appointment as SPLM Youth league Chairperson, otherwise a house divided against itself cannot stands, this is free advised, take it or leave it.

When SPLM Youth league leadership in different spheres is connected to its membership, the members are blessed and inspired and when SPLM youth league leadership fails to achieve its intended purpose,  the membership suffer miserably.

The number of repeated offenses are astronomical in our party (SPLM) because the reason was that we have not been tough enough on first offenders as party, otherwise, punishment for serious crimes will serve a warning for party offenders and this act of soft treatment simply asks for more crime.

Nevertheless, SPLM Youth league membership and other concern members of SPLM in Aweil East county expect the leadership of SPLM Youth league both national and state to find essential agreement on issues of great moment, the wise resolution of which will better shape the future of SPLM to rule for one hundred years that party dreamt.

In nutshells, in this final wake up call, I beg the membership of SPLM Youth league in Aweil East County, to act as SPLM, on vital issues, cooperated well, with both national and state leadership to serve the SPLM good, rather than mere partnership, and so we have assured that the business of the nation of serving our people first should go forward as SPLM.

We have been able to do much together (SPLMIZATION) we now stand a midpoint of safeguarding the interest of our party, despite these political holocaust,  SPLM is today the strongest, the most influential and the most productive party in the nation, SPLM Oyee.

Understandably proud of this party preeminence, yet we realize that SPLM leadership and prestige depends, not merely upon our unmatched independence liberation won, popularity and political muscles, but on how we use our power in the interests of peace  and betterment of our people.

Throughout our liberation struggle, our basic purposes have been to keep the peace, to foster progress in achieving independence and to enhance liberty, dignity and integrity among our peoples, but parties are now engage SPLM in political cold war.

“keep political cold war out of Aweil East County”, since SPLM Youth league membership discovered plots by themselves and the important thing is not to ignore this political wake up call at expense of others.
Albeit, to strive for less would be unworthy as committed SPLM members down here at grassroots and any failure traceable to arrogance or our lack of comprehension or readiness to sacrifice would inflict upon Youth league membership grievous hurt both at States and national level.

Concert of action, progress toward these noble goals as SPLM members is persistently threatened by the political conflict of interest now engulfed our party. It command our whole attention, absorbs our very beings as SPLM. We face a political con game down here, a hostile ideology, ruthless in purpose and insidious in method of political leech, which need highest SPLM leadership attention too.

Unhappily, the danger it poses promises to be of indefinite duration, to meet it successfully, there is called for reversal of the appointment of the SPLM Youth league interim Chairperson and SPLM leadership must be watchful about this political paradox of endure permanently half SPLM.

The decision of appointed Mr. Mangar Mou Anyar as SPLM Youth League Chairperson of Aweil East County fell short of a clear popular majority youth support, because ” a man who makes trouble for others makes trouble for himself “,.

The crisis that we have in Aweil East County among youth at different spheres were sow by this gentleman, whom the SPLM state Youth league brought at the pinnacle of SPLM Aweil East  County Youth league, which cemented the saying, what goes around come around, now Mr. Mangar is expected to reap what he ignorantly saw.

Welcome, or unwelcome, such decision is probably coming and will soon be upon us, unless the power of the present political dynasty shall be met and overthrown.

There are those political con gamers who denounced SPLM leadership openly to their friends, closest allies in the region and abroad and yet turn to President Salva Kiir Mayardit whisper SPLMIZATION softly.
The paradox is not surprisingly, but SPLM  comprehensive political planners must take this matter and restore hope and aspirations of its membership.

Lastly, Cde. William Kur Makur, a respectable gentleman of great mind appoint Mr. Mangar Mou Anyar to impress upon the state leadership but he has suffered so much and is ready to suffer to the end until upper national hand from Cde. Daniel Abocha Ali avails necessary intervention. Godspeed.

SPLM shall not fail its membership, if we stand firm, wise counsels may accelerate or mistake delay it but, sooner or later, the victory is sure to come.

Let a SPLM new age Dawn! 

I have no purpose, directly or indirectly to interfere with SPLM Youth League decision or service or harm anyone but it is imperative that the present situation requires SPLM Youth league leadership to apply wisdom in tackling recent mass stepdown of its members in Aweil East County.

Otherwise, tackling the numerous challenges bedeviling Youth league membership to avoid this impending doom some of us have forseen that would befall Aweil East county, if no action is taken. “He who pays respect to the great paves way for his own”, a man danced so drums were beaten for him”. So Mr. Mangar danced a furious step and so the drums went mad.

Conclusion, the ball is now in your Court to investigate this concern in Aweil East County SPLM Youth league leadership crisis. SPLM United Never be defeated. SPLM organized Never be defeated. SPLM moved, for unity, equality and progress. SPLM oyee.

The author, Ater Garang Ariath, is the former Secretary General of the defunct Aweil East State Government and committed SPLM stalwart, and can be reached at his email:

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