
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

When I Think of Abyei: I remember all those who died for the land of Abyei

3 min read

By Akuot Sarah, Abyei, South Sudan

When I think of Abyei
My eyes open,
My heart beats so fast,
My uncontrollable body shakes
When I think of Abyei my tears roll down my chick endlessly

When I think of Abyei
I see the beautiful river of Nyamora,
the beautiful Abyei tree,
the Greenland of Abyeinjongyom
I see the amazing Maker Abior….

When I think of Abyei
I remember the Hai Kanisa,
Hai Awan-Chan,
Hai Mulmul ,
Hai Abior,
I remember the U.N. compound at the entry,
The South of Abyei !

When I think of Abyei
I see the lifecycle of abyei women,
fetching water from a distance, a borehole,
a young girl going to the market carrying sorghum to the grinding machine.
I see women carrying their farming tools to different locations to cultivate in the wilderness

When I think of Abyei
I remember the schools that are no more,
Camboni school where I Attended,
the blue and white uniforms,
Hukumia(government) schools
I remember boys and girls in their brown and creamy uniform!

When I think of Abyei
I remember the morning Parade,
The late Mr. Dau Monytoch,
how he nurtured school children,
how he died mercilessly
I remember how some Arab men Slaughtered him at Nyamora 2008

When I think of Abyei
I remember the youth life,
Church on Friday evening
And Sunday morning
I remember the alter boys and girls
For their entertainment for the congregation on Sundays!

When I think of Abyei
I remember the few Marrum roads,
the rainy season,
smart school children sliding and falling into the holes full of water and on the slippery muddy ground before reaching school

When I think of Abyei
I remember December of every year,
the preparations for Christmas,
the beautiful events of Christmas,
the first of January every year
I remember the buses taking people to MadingAchueng for the annual tours

When I think of Abyei
I remember the heroes and heroines,
a few like late. chief Kuol Adol and Alor Molana,
Late AjingPath and Edward Lino,
Nyankol and AjingMathiang
I remember all those who died in the land of Abyei!

When I think of Abyei
I see many prophecies that turned to be True,
Abyei is still undefined and has no final status,
the endless destructions and killings of innocent people,and the silence,
Abyei sons and daughters remain relaxed
I see innocent people run and come back home because they have no choice!

When I think of Abyei
I remember 2008, the year I saw what I have never seen,
the fighting began at the market,
how we left our homes and everything,
ran to unknown locations to be safe,
I remember the days we spent without our families, water and food!

When I think of Abyei
it’s been 13 years without being there
I don’t know if I shall remember our home again,
I want to go there but I am frightened,
I am scared of being a victim of death
Maybe death will rob me a future
There’s so much I have for Abyei and South Sudan!

Akuot Sarah
Born in Abyei
Maternal Home

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