LETTER | We demand truth and accountability in the Mamasapano incident

February 22, 2015

Forty-four members of the PNP Special Action Force (SAF), 18 Moro rebels and six civilians are dead. The Mindanao peace process is teetering on the brink with a possible escalation of the armed conflict. Our nation mourns while outrage spreads, as the highest government officials try to cover up events leading to the carnage. Nearly […]

Altermidya Statement | Contractualization in the media: An injustice to journalists, a travesty of public service

January 10, 2015

Altermidya or the People’s Alternative Media Network was formed to amplify the voice of the oppressed majority who, because of the corporate nature of dominant media networks, are not provided with ample space to present their issues and struggles, as well as their perspectives on pressing national issues being published by these media conglomerates. Our […]

Letter | Brace ourselves for ‘Typhoon Noynoy’

December 6, 2014

Three years ago it was Sendong, then Pablo and Yolanda, now it’s Ruby. While a new super typhoon is getting closer to make a landfall in the Philippines, we, contingent of the Manilakbayan ng Mindanao, have already evacuated from our camp in Liwasang Bonifacio to different hospices offered by church people in Manila. We don’t […]

Open letter to Justice Secretary Leila de Lima

November 7, 2014

Less than two years remain of the Benigno S. Aquino presidency, and you have been with the Department of Justice for over four years. When you were appointed as Justice Secretary, from being Chair of the Commission on Human Rights, we entertained a glimmer of hope that human rights cases would move forward, despite the […]

LETTER | Assessment on Pope Francis’ one year papacy after His Easter message

October 24, 2014

Pope Francis has captured the attention of millions including the international media with his simple and tradition-breaking lifestyle. A year after his election, the world including Christians and non-Christians are still studying the different changes he has started within the Vatican bureaucracy and the Vatican financial institutions. His pronouncements on the need of a Church […]

Engr. Delle Salvador Contributed photo

LETTER | Quest for Justice for Engr. Delle Bugarin Salvador

October 17, 2014

We, the family of Engr. Fidela “Delle” Bugarin-Salvador grieve for the untimely death of the mother, a sister, and a wife, who was killed in Lacub, Abra, during the military operations of the 41st Infantry Battalion, Philippine Army (41st IBPA), on 4-6 September 2014. Adding insult to injury, the Northern Luzon Command, Philippine Army – […]