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Data Team Handbook

Welcome to the Data Team Handbook

  • Our mission is to deliver data that matters with trusted and scalable data solutions.
  • Read our Direction page to learn what are doing to improve data at eBlu.
  • Our Principals inform how we accomplish our mission.

This handbook contains a large amount of information! To help ease the readability and navigation we've organized it into the following sections:

High-level sections...

Section Description
Dashboards & Data You Can Use 📈 Any real-time, reporting analytics, and dashboarding lives here. As well as any documentation surrounding connections and management
How Data Works at eBlu 🔒 Data governance, federation, and all that fancy stuff that is too long-winded to discuss here
How The Data Team Works 🔥 Insight on what drives us and keeps us functioning as a great data team
How The Data Platform Works 🤔 Explains exactly does our data platform does and how you can use it to integrate insights into your workflow or application
What The Data Team Is Working On Elaborates on any insights to new releases, features, and products coming from the data team

Data Team Handbook Index

Team, Operations, and Technical Guides

Tech Guides Infrastructure Data Team
SQL Style Guide Level One Diagrams How We Work
Python Guide System Data Flows Team Organization
Airflow & Kubernetes Data Sources Calendar
Docker Trusted Data Triage
Data CI Jobs - Pull Requests
Learning Library - Data Science @ eBlu
Experimental Best Practices - Data Management
Data Onboarding - -

How To Connect With Us

Teams Channels

  • #data is the primary channel for all of eBlu's data and analysis conversations. This is where folks from other teams can link to their issues, ask for help, direction, and get general feedback from members of the Data Team.
  • #daily-data is where the Data Team tracks day-to-day productivity, blockers, and monitoring statistics.
  • #data-engineering is where the eBlu Data Engineering team collaborates.
  • #bt-data-science is where the eBlu Data Science team collaborates.
  • #data-onboarding is where the data team helps data people onboard into the program and system.
  • #business-technology is where the Data Team coordinates with Business Technology in order to support scaling, and where all Business Technology-related conversations occur.
  • #analytics-pipelines is where logs for the ELT pipelines are scraped and slotted for data engineers to maintain. The DRI for tracking and triaging issues from this channel is shown here.
  • #data-triage is an activity feed of opened and closed issues and PR in the data team project.
You can also tag subsets of the Data Team
  • @datateam - this notifies the entire Data Team
  • @data-engineers - this notifies just the Data Engineers
  • @data-analysts - this notifies just the Data Analysts

    Except for rare cases, conversations with folks from other teams should take place in #data, and possibly the fusion team channels when appropriate. Posts to other channels that go against this guidance should be responded to with a redirection to the #data channel, and a link to this handbook section to make it clear what the different channels are for.