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DataOps > Playbooks

Note: if you have yet to read the detailed architecture review please take the time to familiarize yourself with our core infrastructure elements before deep-diving our playbooks.

What are playbooks?

Subseries of documentation that allows the reader (assuming the reader has development experience) will be able to grasp the underlying topic. Therefore, assuming the user will be able to perform the available actions and have a generalized knowledge base of the product or service the developers are trying to depict.

What should playbook topics consist of?

Topics could vary for different use cases but below are a few examples that you can utilize within your playbooks:

  • Need-to-Knows
  • Scripts
  • Deployments
  • Routines
  • Transfers & Transactions
  • Access
    • Mentioning access last because this !EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! to understand the required access necessary to deploy components into a multi-cloud and fractured environment.
    • Make sure you always add the various permissions, user-groups, and/or connections required to manage and deploy your product/service.
