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Operations Dashboard

| Dashboard extending high-level & detailed metrics for each key area of business within eBlu Solutions

Keyword Definition
Looker Studio Reporting analytics platform where data teams and regular users can visualize and build reports, dashboards, and analytical components
KPI "Key Performance Indicator"
Scorecard Reporting component available within Looker Studio extending numeric value with rolling trend percentage
Filter Specific component utilized to screen data from a data source to determine whether the data should be included in or excluded from the calculations of the report results
Lineage Origin of the data source and/or underlying table object in which the calculation is being driven
Cross Filtering Feature within Looker Studio giving data teams the ability to share datasets and filters across numerous or all reporting components giving a seamless reporting experience
Dimension_Drilling Feature within Looker Studio revealing additional levels of detail within a chart. Drill Up from a lower level of detail to a higher one (e.g., from City to State) Drill Down from a higher level of detail to a lower one (e.g., from Yearly to Monthly)
Filter Name Description
Manufacturer Allows a user to multi-select and single select specific drug
Manufacturers and filter the context page data
Product Allows a user to multi-select and single select drug Products
relative to a specific manufacturer.
Payer Extends multi-select and single select Payers
relative to a specific eBlu transaction metrics
such as Benefit Inquiries, Prior Authorizations, CoPays etc.
Date Range Picker Custom date picker that extends master level date shares for all metrics on the contextual page, and comes with built in Quick Dates giving the user the ability to customize metrics for common ranges and advanced use cases.


Each page is relevant to the line of business area tailored to operational metrics and insights

Dashboard / Homes

| High-level view of all core line of business metrics and KPI's

Metric Description
Benefit Inquiries Benefit Inquiry transactions with status = True or 1
Deactivated Benefit Inquiries Benefit Inquiry transactions with status = False or 0
Active CallSheets Call transactions with the relative status = True or 1
Deactivated CallSheets Inactive call transactions with the relative status = False or 0
KPI Description
Calls Completed Total sum of calls with the status = Completed or 2
Active Practices Practices with an active status of True or PracticeStatus = True , this metric is independent of filters and date range
Practice Locations Practice Locations with an active status of True or PracticeLocationStatus = True with Onboarding Status = Practice Live and OrganizationType = Super Group Location or if Practice Location is null, Practices with an active status of True or PracticeLocationStatus = True with Onboarding Status = Practice Live , this metric is independent of filters and date range
Groups Built Groups where GroupAction is equal to Created
Automatic BI* Total Benefit Inquiries where IsAutomaticBenefitInquiry is True; IsAutomaticBenefitInquiry is True when the Product associated with the Benefit Inquiry is not "Check Eligibility" and TurnAroundTime of the Benefit Inquiry is less than or equal to 5 minutes. *This metric includes ALL active and inactive Benefit Inquiries.
Non-Automatic BI* Total Benefit Inquiries where IsAutomaticBenefitInquiry is False; IsAutomaticBenefitInquiry is set to False under following three conditions:
*This metric includes ALL active and inactive Benefit Inquiries.
1.when AutomaticallyCompleted flag associated with the Benefit Inquiry is False
2.When AutomaticallyCompleted flag associated with the Benefit Inquiry is Null AND Benefit Inquiry Status is 1, Needs Provider Review, AND NeedsProviderReviewStatus is in InactiveCoverage, BenefitNotCovered, or ManagedCare
3.When AutomaticallyCompleted flag associated with the Benefit Inquiry is Null AND Benefit Inquiry Status is in
2In Process
3PA or PreD
6Waiting for Payer Response
10Needs eBlu Review
Manual Overrides Total number of Benefit Inquiries had manual intervention with RequestActive = True and DisplayManualPartA = True
BI TAT Turn-around-time in minutes for Benefit Inquiries. Calculated by average daily aggregate of working minutes based on business hours and displayed as a percentage for the following criteria:
Start TimeBenefitInquiryCreateDate
End TimeBenefitInquirySubmissionDate
BenefitInquiryStatusChangePAOrPreD or 3
Pending or 4
Completed or 5

Utilizes our internal analytics User-Defined Function (UDF) - GetWorkingMinutes
CallSheet TAT Turn-around-time in minutes for CallSheets. Calculated by average daily aggregate of call length for following criteria:
Start TimeCallSheetCreateDate
End TimeCallSheetApprovedDate
CallSheetActiveTrue or 1

Utilizes our internal analytics User-Defined Function (UDF) - GetCallerWorkingTime
Quality Performance
Legend Key Description
Automatic Requests Number of requests that were processed automatically
Non-Automatic Requests Total of requests marked as non-automatic or had manual intervention
CallSheet Audit Rate Sum of audits with the AuditType = 'CallSheet'

Specialty Insights

| Table visualizing key areas aggregates by medical specialty

  • Speciality - area of medical speciality in which eBlu services
Legend Key Description
BI's Count of Active Benefit Inquiries by Practice or Location Specialty
Sponsored Drugs Count of Drugs per Benefit Inquiry where manufacturer contract is Active and the manufacturer contract is Sponsored Drug. Grouped by Practice or Location Specialty
Patients Count of distinct Patients. Grouped by Practice or Location Specialty

| Visualization and KPIs relative to Benefit Inquiries trends for relative date dimensions

Chart Interactions

  • Capability of drilling up/down into various date dimensions. Read more here
  • Right-click the visualization and select Drill Up or Drill Down to access following dimensions:
  • BenefitInquiryCreateDate (Hour)
  • BenefitInquiryCreateDate (Month)
  • BenefitInquiryCreateDate (Quarter)
  • BenefitInquiryCreateDate (Year)
Legend & KPI Description
BI returned < 24 hours Benefit Inquiry that is Active and has a turn-around-time within a twenty-four hour (1-day) window
BI returned >= 24 hours Benefit Inquiry that is Active but has a turn-around-time of greater than or equal to a twenty-four hour (1-day) window
Sponsored Drugs Sum of Drugs per Benefit Inquiry where the manufacturer contract is Active and the contract type is Sponsored Drug
Automation Rate Percentage based calculation of automatic BenefitInquiries. The automatic Benefit Inquiries are calculated True when Benefit Inquiry is Active, doesn't contain Check Eligibility, and TurnAroundTime <= 5 minutes. Automatic Benefit Inquiries are calculted False when AutomaticallyCompleted Flag is null, Benefit Inquiry Status NOT IN (2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10) OR Benefit Inquiry Status = 1 AND NeedsProviderReviewStatus IN (InactiveCoverage,BenefitNotCovered,ManagedCare). Automatic Benefit Inquiries are calculted Null When Benefit Inquiry Status = 0 OR when Benefit Inquiry Status = 1 AND NeedsProviderReviewStatus NOT IN (InactiveCoverage,BenefitNotCovered,ManagedCare)

Patient Metrics

Chart Metric Description
Patients by Specialty Sum of patients grouped by medical specialty displayed as visualization
Card Metric Description
New Patients Active Benefit Inquiry request where flag NewPatient = True
Patient Quality Percentage of Benefit Inquiries returned under 24hr (1-day) window
Average Journey Time Average Benefit Inquiry turn-around-time in hours calculated from Patient Journey

Payer Statistics

Card Metric Description
Top 5 Payers Sum of Benefit Inquiries grouped by Payer
- ORDER BY Benefit Inquiry count descending
Self Funded % Benefit Request having SelfFunded = True
Longest Hold Time The max hold time with a Payer calculated by Call Duration in Minutes
Call Duration Average call duration calculated in minutes


| Detailed view of all relative Practice metrics and detailed insights

Page Filters Description
Buy And Bill Relative to a Benefit Inquiry request that is flagged as Buy And Bill
Self Funded Relative to a Benefit Inquiry request where SelfFunded = True
Is Active Boolean flag mapping to the Practice active status.
- If Yes then the Practice is active within eBlu system
- If No then the Practice is marked as inactive within eBlu system
OnBoarding Status Monitoring status of each Practice if selected, the whole page will default to that context status
Practice Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select Practice(s) to reflect on the entire page
Practice Location Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select Practice Location(s) to reflect on the entire page
Payer Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select Payer linked to each Practice to reflect on the entire page
Diagnosis Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select Diagnosis relative to the Practice to reflect on the entire page
Lineage Definition Description
Cross Filtering Turned ON - see here for information on Cross Filtering
Table Origin reporting_us.PracticeStatistics, reporting_us.PracticeOnboardingOverview

Practice Utilization Statistics

  • Utilization trend of transactions by relative CreateDate. Chart is eligible for dimensional drilling explained here
Legend Key Description
Benefit Inquiries Running aggregate total of Benefit Inquiries for the specific date range selected
- Trending Previous year for Benefit Inquiries processed within the date range from the prior year.
Prior Authorizations Running aggregate total of Prior Authorizations for the specific date range
- Trending Previous year for Benefit Inquiries processed within the date range from the prior year.

Top 5 No-Treatment Reasons

  • Visualization reflecting the top NoTreatmentReason(s) by sum of Benefit Inquiries.
    • Grouped by NoTreatmentReason and organized by Practice name.

Practice Location Utilization

  • Paginated table of Benefit Inquiries grouped by Practice Location when location is Active

Practice Metrics by Transaction Type

Key Or Metric Description
Benefit Inquiries Sum of Benefit Inquiries relative to Practice Utilization Statistics just visualized mapped to a numeric
Prior Auths Sum of Prior Authorizations relative to Practice Utilization Statistics just visualized mapped to a numeric
Savings Enrollment Sum of CoPayEnrollment transactions where CoPayEnrollementStatus does not equal FinancialEnrollment or 3
EOB (Explanation of Benefits) Sum of ExplanationOfBenefits transactions
Top Diagnosis by BI Count Visualization of top Diagnoses by Benefit Inquiry count where Diagnosis does not equal Off Label

Top Locations By Benefit Inquiries

  • Visualization providing the top Practice Locations by Benefit Inquiry count. Grouped by Active Practice Location with no relevant status

Locations by State

  • Aggregate of Practice Locations by location City and State
  • Cross-filtering turned ON for State and City
Key Description
State Geographical State identifier in which the Practice Location resides
City Geographical City identifier in which the Practice Location resides
Location Identifiable name of the Practice Location

Practice OnBoarding Overview

Area Filter(s)
Key Description
Practice Name Name of the contextual Practice within eBlu system
Monitoring Status Status of relative transactions linked to context Practice.
Needs Provider ReviewTotal count of Benefit Inquiries in NeedsProviderReview status
Overdue in Progress BI'sTotal count of Benefit Inquiries with turn-around-time >= 24hrs
PA QueueNumber of Prior Authorizations in queue where PriorAuthStatus is not in the following statuses :
Approved or 1
Denied or 2
Canceled or 3
OptOut or 5
Closed or 7
NeedsProviderReview or 8
NotRequired or 9
eBluReview or 10
PA's in NPRPriorAuthStatus = 'NeedsProviderReview' or 8
Status Count Sum of transactions within specific Monitoring Status
Utilizing BI Batching If Practice has BatchTypeId = 1 or File

Practice Utilization < 30 Benefit Inquiries (Daily)

  • Table highlighting the Practice Benefit Inquiry count where daily count is less than 30
    • Grouped by Practice Location
    • Ordered by Benefit Inquiry Count
  • Flattened table showcasing the utilization trends from the prior year to the selective date range


| Detailed view of all relative Provider metrics and detailed insights

Page Filters Description
Practice Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select Practice(s) to reflect on the entire page
Provider Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select Provider(s) to reflect on the entire page

Provider Activity

  • Visualization & Paginated table showcasing Provider transactional activity by latest activity time
  • Visualization showcasing the Provider total aggregate of Benefit Inquiries by Provider full name.
  • Capability of drilling up/down into various date dimensions.
  • Right-click the visualization and select Drill Up or Drill Down to access following dimensions:
  • BenefitInquiryCreateDate (Hour)
  • BenefitInquiryCreateDate (Month)
  • BenefitInquiryCreateDate (Quarter)
  • BenefitInquiryCreateDate (Year)
Key Description
Provider Name Full name of the Provider within eBlu system
Practice Relative Practice linked to Provider
Last Activity Time The latest timestamp of a Benefit Inquiry linked to the relative Provider
- Ordered by BenefitInquiryCreateDate descending

Patients by Needs eBlu Review Status

  • Paginated table highlighting Provider data by Patient and NeedseBluReviewStatus
Key Description
Provider Full Name of the a Provider with hyperlink to Provider Portal > Provider page
Patient Unique identifier of a Patient with hyperlink to Provider Portal > Patient page
Status Reason Status description contents of NeedseBluReview within Benefit Inquiry Summary
Benefit Inquiry Unique identifier of Benefit Inquiry with hyperlink to Provider Portal > BenefitInquiryResult > Summary

Top 20 Providers by Benefit Inquiry Count

  • Table highlighting the Top 20 providers by Benefit Inquiry count.
    • Ordered by Benefit Inquiry count descending

Provider by Specialty & Patient Count

  • Table showcasing the Provider(s) by their Specialty and number of total Patients.
    • Ordered by Patient count descending


| Detailed view of all relative Payer metrics and detailed insights

Page Filters Description
Plan Year Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select specific plan years relative to payer policies
Practice Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select Practice(s) to reflect on the entire page
State Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select geographical State(s) to reflect on the entire page
Payer Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select Payer(s) to reflect on the entire page

Payer Utilization

  • Visualization & Pivot table showcasing Payer transactional activity by Benefit Inquiry time
  • Utilization trending sum of Benefit Inquiries by Benefit Inquiry date dimensions:
  • BenefitInquiryCreateDate (Month)
  • BenefitInquiryCreateDate (Quarter)
  • BenefitInquiryCreateDate (Year)
Pivot Key Description
Payer Full name for relative Payer
Benefit Inquiry Date Columns pivoted on Benefit Inquiry create organized by Month/Year
Benefit Inquiries Sum of Benefit Inquiries for the relative date with aggregated Grand Totals
  • Workflow table for policies and relative Payer information
    • Associating Benefit Inquiry Plan & Calendar
      • Benefit Inquiry Plan Year Associated
      • Benefit Inquiry Calendar Year in which the CreateDate is associated

Filter Counts

Rolling aggregate of Policy counts displayed within the filter dropdown

Table Filters Description
Review Complete Extends the user the ability to select Yes or No for relative policies that have already been reviewed
Medical Policy Type Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select to view polices by MedicalPolicyType
Policy Type Extends the user the ability to select Medical or Both policy types
IsActive Filter the policies that are active Yes or inactive No
Key Description
Payer Full name of Payer within eBlu system. Links to Provider Portal > Payer
Policy Unique identifier of a Policy within eBlu system. Linked to Provider Portal > PayerPolicy
Effective Date Date in which the policy was enacted
Renewal Date Date in which the policy is scheduled for renewal


| Detailed view of all relative Group metrics and detailed insights within a workflow table and scorecard tracker

Page Filters Description
Plan Year Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select specific plan years relative to payer policies
Practice Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select Practice(s) to reflect on the entire page
Self Funded Relative to a Benefit Inquiry request where SelfFunded = True
Medical Policy Type Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select to view polices by MedicalPolicyType
Parent Group Extends the user to ability to select Yes or No if a Group is labeled as ParentGroup
State Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select geographical State(s) to reflect on the entire page
Buy And Bill Relative to a Benefit Inquiry request that is flagged as Buy And Bill
Payer Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select Payer(s) to reflect on the entire page
Metric Description
Total Groups Built Rolling aggregate of unique Group(s) built within eBlu System
Active Groups Rolling aggregate of unique Group(s) with status as Active, 1, or True within eBlu System
Inactive Groups Rolling aggregate of unique Group(s) with status as Inactive, 0, or False within eBlu System
Key Description
Group Unique identifier of a Group within the eBlu system. Links to Provider Portal > Group
Patient Unique identifier of a Patient within the eBlu system. Links to Provider Portal > Practice > Patient
Payer Name of a Payer registered to the specific Group id
Practice Name of Practice related to the specific Group id
Practice Location Name of the Practice Location associated to the Practice and Group id
Plan Number Unique character medical plan id relative to a Policy and Group
Medical Policy Type Type of medical policy linked to a specific Group


| Detailed view of all relative Product metrics and detailed insights based on Benefit Inquiry utilization and Patient counts

Page Filters Description
Manufacturer The Manufacturer of the Drug (product)
Product The name of the contextual Product
Practice Name of the Practice associated to the Product based on the Benefit Inquiry
Metric Description
Total Products Total active Products within the eBlu System
Sponsored Products Rolling aggregate of unique Products(s) with a valid contractual agreement for Sponsored Drug type services rendered from eBlu. The Start of the Sponsored Drug is the CreateTime of the contract within invoice_catalog_us.contracts with contract type of Sponsored Drug and status = Active. Currently no end time is tracked

Product Activity

  • Visualization showcasing Product activity trending by Benefit Inquiry creation date, and drillable by Month, Quarter & Yearly aggregates.
  • Shared filters cross apply
Key Description
Manufacturer The Manufacturer of the Drug (product) [pivot key]
Product The name of the contextual Product [pivot key]
--> Benefit Inquiries Sum of distinct Benefit Inquiry identifiers based on Active state for the contextual date range.
--> Patients Total sum of distinct patients associated to the Benefit Inquiries in the contextual date range.
--> % of New Patients Percentage of Patients that have a first initial Benefit Inquiry conducted within eBlu during the associated date range. Thus qualifying them as New Patients