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Data Team Direction


As an important step towards achieving our mission, meeting our responsibilities, and helping eBlu become a successful public health-care company, we are creating an Enterprise Data Platform (EDP), a single unified data and analytics stack, along with a broad suite of Data Programs such as Self-Serve Data, Data Portal, and Data Analytics Plane (DAP). The EDP will power eBlu's KPIs, cross-functional reporting and analysis, and in general, allow all team members to make better decisions with trusted data. Over time, the EDP will further accelerate eBlu's analytics capabilities with features such as data publishing and products - enriched and aggregated data integrated into business systems or into the eBlu product for use by our customers.

Short-Term Direction

Measured in Quarters, our short-term direction is to help eBlu be at Level 2 of the Data Capability Model with support for eBlu's KPIs and Self-Serve Data coverage of eBlu's two most important business processes: the lead-to-cash cycle and the product-release-to-adoption cycle.

In priority order, the elements of the EDP we are actively building include:

  • An Enterprise Dimensional Model to serve as single-source-of-truth for reporting and analysis, including all of our Tenon dashboards and SQL analysis in BigQuery.
  • A Trusted Data Framework to help ensure all of our Data Solutions are thoroughly tested, with automated ongoing validations.
  • Data Visualizations to support performance analysis, including KPIs.
  • A Self-Service Data Program to allow all eBlu teams to reliably access trusted data without requiring central Data Team involvement. Our three Self-Serve Data options are:
    1. Dashboard Viewer - eBlu team members' login to the Tenon portal and access pre-built dashboards
      1. Dashboard Developer - eBlu team members certified to the Tenon portal and can build their own Dashboards sourced from trusted data available in the Enterprise Dimensional Model
      2. SQL Developer - any eBlu team member certified in SQL Analysis writes their own SQL to query trusted data from the Enterprise Dimensional Model hosted in BigQuery

A Complete Enterprise Data Platform

The following table represents capabilities of a mature Enterprise Data Platform which can solve for the wide range of data and analytics needed by a growing business. Not all capabilities listed are required to meet eBlu's short-term needs or known long-term needs. The decision to implement a given capability will be driven by a clear business need and the final result may differ significantly from the reference example.

Data Architecture Data Security Data Quality
Descriptive Diagnostics Advanced Analytics
Reporting Dashboarding Self-Service
Operational Data Store Data Warehouse Data Lake
Data Model Standards Enterprise Dimensional Model Data Marts
Reference Data Management Data Enrichment Master Data Management
Data Pipelines Data Transformation Real-Time Data
Data Exports Data Publishing Data Products
Data Catalog Data Portal Data Taxonomy

Data Value Pyramid

We want to help all eBlu teams move up (or left-to-right in the diagram below) the Data Value Pyramid and turn basic metrics and counts into wisdom that helps them create better products for our customers, run our business more efficiently, and add new capabilities to our business model. Relative to the Data Value Pyramid, we are currently working primarily within the Data and Information stages.

Data Information Knowledge Wisdom

Data Capability Model

The Data Capability Model is used to identify target state requirements to support eBlu's Strategy.

Level Characteristics Benefits
(5) Prescriptive Real-time complex analysis embedded in products, shape actions and perceptions; Data analytics is a strategic differentiator New Data Products, Improved Decision ROI
(4) Predictive Insight into what is likely to happen, Widespread and effortless analytics production, Data Quality and Governance Reliable Customer Lifetime Value, Expansion & Churn Prediction, Product Embedded Analytics
(3) Strategic Widespread & effortless drillable analysis, Drillable cross-functional scorecards, dashboards, Enterprise Data Warehouse Customer 360 & Health Score, Predictable & Trusted Data Reporting, Robust Self-Service & Data @ Scale
(2) Advanced Reference Solution Operational Automated Reports and Dashboards, Reliable and validated data with automated tests, Mixture of manual and automated integration, core integrated data with some Data silos Trusted Data, Self-Service Data, Key Performance Indicators, Stable platform for expansion
(1) Reactive Static lists and reports, Highly focused on history/lagging - last 30/90/365 days, Unpredictable velocity, minimal cross-functional analysis, Customer Data Silos Historical Tabular Reports, Data Visualization
(0) None Inconsistent report generation, Results not widely trusted, No stable analytics infrastructure