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Looker workflow:

Develop concepts (see the develop tab):

  1. LookML project -- Analagous to a git repo

  2. place to store model / view code for Looker dashboards/explores

  3. describes relations between tables and how Looker should interpret them
  4. you can create a bare repo if one in Azure has not been created to do initial development

  5. LookML branch structure

  6. one production branch (main for zookeepers) which users will see

  7. a personal branch which CANNOT be deleted in Looker
  8. shared branches, etc

  9. Model files determine db connection and the explores using it. An explore is like the FROM clause in SQL query. A model file determines which data tables are used (as views) and if/how they are joined

  10. A view file refers to a single table or derived table in your database

Develop References
Looker Docs on project files
Pluralsight LookML Development

Explore Concepts:

  1. Create charts/queries/visuals from an existing project/dataset

  2. Explore save options:

  3. as a single look

  4. to an existing dashboard
  5. as a dashboard
  6. to a folder

  7. Dashboards can be edited without changing underlying model/view files.

  8. If the underlying TABLE is changed, you will need to update views/models if new columns are added/old ones removed

Explore References
Looker Explore Docs
Pluralsight Looker Explore/Viz Course

|Syncing Looker Models from separate Version Control| | --- |