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GCP Access & Account Management

Instructional overview of how to access our Google Cloud Platform environment from within eBlu Solutions


Google Workspace
  • Workspace is a landing spot for your Google Account and all it's connections and preferences. img

Google Cloud Console
  • Google Cloud Console is the landing page for all data analytics relative services and applications img

Google Data Studio
  • Data Studio is a Reporting & Analytics application within Google that is free to utilize for any eBlu Solutions employee, as well as standardized eBlu Dashboards & Insights come from within Data Studio. img

Example Login
  • brett.willever@eblusolutions img

Account selection

  • Whenever initial account login occurs, Google prompts the user for a Google Workspace or Personal account.


Select Google Workspace
  • Since we utilize Single-Sign On we want to ensure that if we are prompted to select either a Google Workspace or Personal that we select Google Workspace img