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Filters and Dimensional Drilling How to

| Instruction and description of different filters and features within the Operations Dashboard**

Feature Instruction
Dimension_Drilling - Right-click on the visual that has Drill Up/Down feature enabled
- Click Drill Up/Drill Down
Filter Name Description
Manufacturer Allows a user to multi-select and single select specific drug
Manufacturers and filter the context page data
Product Allows a user to multi-select and single select drug Products
relative to a specific manufacturer.
Payer Extends multi-select and single select Payers
relative to a specific eBlu transaction metrics
such as Benefit Inquiries, Prior Authorizations, CoPays etc.
Date Range Picker Custom date picker that extends master level date shares for all metrics on the contextual page, and comes with built in Quick Dates giving the user the ability to customize metrics for common ranges and advanced use cases.
Buy And Bill Relative to a Benefit Inquiry request that is flagged as Buy And Bill
Self Funded Relative to a Benefit Inquiry request where SelfFunded = True
Is Active Boolean flag mapping to the Practice active status.
- If Yes then the Practice is active within eBlu system
- If No then the Practice is marked as inactive within eBlu system
OnBoarding Status Monitoring status of each Practice if selected, the whole page will default to that context status
Practice Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select Practice(s) to reflect on the entire page
Practice Location Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select Practice Location(s) to reflect on the entire page
Payer Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select Payer linked to each Practice to reflect on the entire page
Diagnosis Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select Diagnosis relative to the Practice to reflect on the entire page
Provider Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select Provider(s) to reflect on the entire page
Plan Year Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select specific plan years relative to payer policies
State Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select geographical State(s) to reflect on the entire page
Medical Policy Type Extends the user the ability to multi-select and single select to view polices by MedicalPolicyType
Parent Group Extends the user to ability to select Yes or No if a Group is labeled as ParentGroup