Get active: help Stop Star Wars

Last edited 19 June 2001 at 8:00am
Protesters inside the Menwith Hill spy base, North Yorkshire

Protesters inside the Menwith Hill spy base, North Yorkshire

Please email or fax your local MP about Star Wars and ask them to raise the issue with Tony Blair.

Please ask them to tell Tony Blair that:

  • Star Wars will undermine global security and has been condemned by politicians and international relations experts around the world. It is likely to start a new arms race
  • You object to the UK being made a target by the US as part of a Star Wars System
  • Tony Blair should make clear that there are no circumstances under which he would permit the US to use bases such as Fylingdales or Menwith Hill as part of the Star Wars system. He should also add the UK's voice to the widespread international efforts to dissuade the US from deploying Star Wars

Before contacting your MP find out where they stand on Star Wars. 280 MPs have now signed an Early Day Motion, calling on the Government to "Voice the grave doubts about NMD in the UK."

If your MP signed this EDM, please refer to it in your email or fax. 

To find your MP click here.

Fax Your MP

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