business and political unit

Greenpeace Business: past issues

Last edited 21 September 2006 at 8:00am
Ken Livingstone delivers a Greenpeace Business lecture on powering London without nuclear energy

Ken Livingstone delivers a Greenpeace Business lecture on powering London without nuclear energy

Download past issues of Greenpeace Business:

August 2006 (pdf, 516kb)
Including energy's future and why it must be decentralised; London's zero carbon homes at no extra cost; China's development; what we need from government; BP's $8 billion alternative energy plans; soya giants agree moratorium in the Amazon; more illegal timber found on Government site; progress to eliminate toxic waste; and taking the bomb out of politics.

WTO gambling with livelihoods and environment

Last edited 12 December 2005 at 9:00am
12 December, 2005

On the eve of the World Trade Organisation's (WTO) 6th Ministerial meeting in Hong Kong, environment and anti-poverty campaigners have delivered a statement to Prime Minister Tony Blair, demanding the government reject any deal that continues to allow big businesses to compound poverty and environmental degradation. The deal on the table at the WTO, they say, reneges on government promises in both areas, taking international trade in the wrong direction. [2]

European Parliament elections 2004: party positions on ancient forests

Last edited 27 May 2004 at 8:00am
Greenpeace activists search for illegal indonesian plywood at EU social and general HQ, Brussels

Greenpeace activists search for illegal indonesian plywood at EU social and general HQ, Brussels

European Parliament elections 2004: party positions on climate

Last edited 27 May 2004 at 8:00am
Construction of an offshore windfarm in the North Sea

North Hoyle offshore windfarm under construction

European Parliament elections 2004: party positions on chemicals

Last edited 27 May 2004 at 8:00am
Stickers for Disney toxics campaign

Stickers for Disney toxics campaign

Stephen Tindale, Executive Director, Greenpeace UK

Last edited 16 October 2003 at 8:00am
Greenpeace's Stephen Tindale

Greenpeace's Stephen Tindale

January 25th 2005: Lord Ron Oxburgh, Charman of Shell UK, delivers the latest Greenpeace Business Lecture

Last edited 29 August 2003 at 8:00am
Lord Ron Oxburgh, Charman of Shell UK

Lord Ron Oxburgh, Chairman of Shell UK

Ken's vision for a low carbon London

Watch excerpts from Ken's speech.

It's the capital of the UK, the biggest energy demand centre in the country and the largest city in Europe. And it can slash its CO2 emissions, gas consumption and reliance on fossil fuels without nuclear power.

That was London Mayor Ken Livingstone's message when he laid out his vision for a low carbon London at a Greenpeace Business lecture in March 2006. The mayor called for the government to invest in decentralised energy (DE) instead of wasting taxpayers' money on nuclear power - "the failed technology of the past".

Simon Thomas, Plaid Cymru MP

Last edited 14 July 2003 at 8:00am
Simon Thomas, MP

Simon Thomas, MP

Stephen Tindale, Greenpeace UK Executive Director

Last edited 19 March 2003 at 9:00am
Greenpeace UK executive director, Stephen Tindale

Greenpeace UK executive director, Stephen Tindale

Tony Blair: You've got mail

Last edited 19 March 2003 at 9:00am

The Greenpeace web team hand-delivered almost 8,000 email messages to Tony Blair's office at No. 10 Downing Street this week.

We believe internet users have the right to send the Prime Minister an email - especially when it concerns an issue as serious as the war on Iraq.

Since Tony Blair doesn't have an email address, we set one up for him ( Thousands of people used this address to urge the Prime Minister not to go to war.