
Last edited 9 December 2010 at 5:22pm

We champion environmentally responsible and socially just solutions, including scientific and technological innovation. Our goal is to transform industries and to ensure an environmentally sustainable and equitable future for us all.

Working with the Deni Indians in Brazil to demarcate and protect their forest.
Often, environmental problems – like climate change or forest destruction - are widely acknowledged, but governments, corporations and international bodies all duck or dismiss the solutions. Yet industry has a responsibility for the environmental and social impacts of its activities, and governments have a responsibility to ensure the well-being of their citizens and the environment.

Our solutions work promotes open, informed debate about society's environmental choices, and  involves industries, communities and individuals to make change happen. Whether they are political, social or technological in nature, we believe that solutions to environmental problems should both protect the environment and improve the quality of peoples' lives.

We've worked with multinationals to promote sustainable palm oil production; with the Deni Indians in Brazil to demarcate and protect their forest; with corporations to develop a domestic refrigerator free of ozone depleting and global warming chemicals (today, there are over 100 million 'Greenfreeze' refrigerators in the world); with the publishing industry to protect ancient rainforests; and with industrial nations to help get a legally binding agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

Because of the scale of the environmental problems we now face, we're championing some global and visionary solutions. For example, we're working for a zero emissions pathway to help stop climate change, a global network of protected areas to preserve the world's ancient forests, and a network of marine reserves to defend the world's oceans.

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