What is Greenpeace Business?

Last edited 19 June 2002 at 8:00am
President of the Wold Bank, James Wolfensohn, delivers a Greenpeace Business lecture in 2002

President of the Wold Bank, James Wolfensohn, delivers a Greenpeace Business lecture in 2002

'Greenpeace Business' is a quarterly business newsletter, a lecture series, and more. Combined, Greenpeace Business initiatives provide a vital channel of communication between environmentalists and industry.

We explain environmental problems, in the language of business. We outline Greenpeace campaign objectives, and how they relate to industry. We showcase positive, economically and environmentally sustainable solutions, such as 'Greenfreeze' technology. We create a space for open debate and dialogue.

It all began in 1987, with the launch of a monthly newsletter called 'Powerline'. Produced jointly by Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth, this provided City investors and analysts with a wealth of new information on potential liability issues surrounding nuclear power stations. It was so astoundingly successful that the UK government dropped their plans for privatisation of the nuclear industry.

'Greenpeace Business' followed in June 1991. We wanted to begin presenting environmental solutions, rather than just complaining about problems. We also wanted to sit down and talk with people working in industry, to go beyond the idea that this was 'supping with the enemy'. Our newsletter is circulated widely amongst private companies, government officials and environmental consultants.

The first Greenpeace Business Conference, titled 'Brent Spar - and after', took place in 1996. We decided to acknowledge the Brent Spar episode as a defining moment in the relationships between government, industry, environmental groups and the general public.

From 1996 to 2002, our annual conference attracted best of breed company executives - as speakers, showcasing positive environmental work, and as delegates, networking informally with campaigners, colleagues and competitors.

In 2003, the conference was recently superceded by our Greenpeace Business Lecture Series.

Find out more about Greenpeace Business Lectures.


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