Exposing climate fugitives in Hong Kong

Posted by jamie — 24 June 2009 at 12:36pm - Comments

Greenpeace volunteers in Hong Kong have been protesting about the lack of effort the territory's government has put into tackling climate change. On Monday, a team dropped a huge, seven-storey banner down the front of a government office building marking out chief executive Donald Tsang as a 'climate fugitive'.

The lunchtime event attracted a crowd of spectators and bright yellow 'wanted' stickers were also handed out, criticising Tsang for employing delaying tactics and hiding behind an 18-month research exercise before drawing up a climate change policy. Tsang is also being urged to attend the UN climate talks in Copenhagen at the end of the year.

And last week, our Chinese office produced a study of the economic impact of a devastating rainstorm which hit Hong Kong just over a year ago, with an estimated bill of HK$578m (£45m). These examples of extreme and damaging weather are becoming more common around the globe so a large yellow banner fluttering outside the government's windows could soon be the least of Tsang's problems.

A sticker handed out in Hong Kong, calling chief executive Donald Tsang a 'climate fugitive'

About Jamie

I'm a forests campaigner working mainly on Indonesia. My personal mumblings can be found @shrinkydinky.

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