When tigers attack...

Posted by bex — 28 September 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
The Esso conference is besieged by climate change protesters

The Esso conference is besieged by climate change protesters

Greenpeace activists dressed as tigers have surrounded energy ministers from across Europe at a meeting in Brussels. The meeting is organized by Esso, a company that has done more than any other company to sabotage the fight against global warming.

Esso chiefs want Europeans to see them as respectable businessmen, but in truth they are at the centre of a deeply irresponsible campaign that could result in the world facing climate disaster. Esso funds front groups that try to muddy the waters around global warming science while the company gives huge sums to politicians that deny man-made climate change is even happening.

We want Europe's top energy policymakers to steer clear of this company.

The 30 protesters, many dressed as the Esso tiger mascot, surrounded the Bibliotheque Solvay in central Brussels. Some are in trees hanging banners that say: 'ESSO - GLOBAL WARMING LIARS'. Other campaigners are stopping delegates outside the venue to explain the role the world's biggest oil company has played in keeping the US out of the Kyoto Protocol to tackle climate change.

The meeting - called Europe's Energy Outlook - is being attended by the some of the most powerful players in the European energy field, including ministers and officials from all 25 EU countries.

We've been telling the delegates about Esso's appalling record of disinformation and dirty tricks on global warming. We hope they'll take whatever the company says inside the meeting with a pinch of salt.

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