Greenpeace Blog

Did you know this about tigers?

Posted by Greenpeace UK — 20 May 2016 at 4:30pm - Comments

I’m Richard and I’m a forests campaigner here at Greenpeace.

I joined the forests campaign team back in 2013, and since then I’ve learnt so many interesting and surprising things about these amazing animals while trying to protect them. Here are my 11 favourite tiger facts:

10. Tigers have better short-term memories than humans

How much do you really know about turtles?

Posted by Willie — 20 May 2016 at 4:21pm - Comments

I’m Willie and I’m an oceans campaigner here at Greenpeace.

Over the years I’ve had the privilege of watching turtles from the bow of Greenpeace ships, and many of my colleagues have encountered these peaceful ocean wanderers far out at sea in the Mediterranean Sea, Indian and Pacific Oceans.

I’ve also learned a lot of interesting and surprising facts about these enigmatic creatures, and I wanted to share a few of my favourites with you:

11. Sea turtles are ancient

How much do you know about whales?

Posted by Willie — 20 May 2016 at 11:39am - Comments

I’m Willie and I’m an oceans campaigner here at Greenpeace.

Over the years I’ve had the privilege of seeing lots of whales, both from the deck of Greenpeace ships, and also on whale-watching trips. I’ve been lucky enough to see massive humpbacks leaping clean out of the water in Cape Cod, migrating gray whales in California, orcas chasing salmon in Canada, and even minke and fin whales in glassy-calm British seas.

I’ve also learned a lot of interesting and surprising things about these ocean giants, and I wanted to share a few of my favourite facts with you:

How well do you know the Polar Bear?

Posted by Greenpeace UK — 20 May 2016 at 10:38am - Comments

I’m Ian and I’m an Arctic campaigner here at Greenpeace. Over the years that I’ve been campaigning to save the Arctic, I’ve learnt some really interesting and surprising things about polar bears. Here are 11 of them...

11: Polar bears aren’t really white.

It’s true. Polar bears actually have black skin (take a look at their noses) that’s covered in transparent, pigment-free hair. Each individual polar bear hair scatters and reflects visible light which makes polar bears appear white, even though they’re not - sneaky.

Finding a sense of porpoise.

Posted by Willie — 19 May 2016 at 12:00pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Stefan Schorr / Greenpeace

Being a porpoise looks rubbish.

Dolphins look like they have fun. They even look like they seek out fun. Okay, the fixed grins make them seem perpetually happy but let’s be honest - when was the last time you saw a porpoise jumping out of the water or heard a friend gushing about an *amazing* experience seeing porpoises?

There’s good reason that porpoises don’t have the wow factor of dolphins: and it’s not just that they have bad PR people.

Sunken Cities are not a thing of the past

Posted by Elena Polisano — 19 May 2016 at 10:09am - Comments
by-nc. Credit: Jiri Rezac / Greenpeace

Right now 14 activists are scaling the British Museum to call on the institution to drop BP’s sponsorship. Here's why they're doing it.

5 Things To Know This National Vegetarian Week

Posted by India Thorogood — 17 May 2016 at 5:46pm - Comments

Happy National Vegetarian Week! It's the time when scores of Brits give up sausage rolls for the week. Or if you’re like me and vegetarianism was forced upon you from a young age, you’re carrying on eating hummus for breakfast and dinner as you always do!

But apart from a chance for some great veggie food, this week is an opportunity to get the facts on vegetarianism.

This Friday: Rally Against Fracking in Ryedale, Yorkshire

Posted by Richard Casson — 16 May 2016 at 2:37pm - Comments
by-nc. Credit: Frack Free Ryedale

On Friday 20 May, North Yorkshire County Council will be deciding whether to approve fracking firm Third Energy's bid to drill in Ryedale, Yorkshire. With days to go before the council decision is made, people us from across Yorkshire - and around the UK - will gather for a rally outside county hall in Northallerton.