Esperanza featured on 'From Our Own Correspondent'

Posted by jossc — 22 February 2010 at 6:44pm - Comments

For those of you who missed Saturday's edition of one of Radio 4's most popular programmes, 'From Our Own Correspondent', you missed a great piece on the desperate plight of Pacific tuna. Focusing on overfishing by EU and Asian nations around the Cook Islands, it covered the story of our very own ship Esperanza busting a Japanese purse seining vessel which was fishing illegally in Cook Island waters.

You can listen to it here:

Either download the latest episode of FOOC from the left hand menu (dated 20 February), or listen directly to the highlighted 'recent episode' on the right hand menu that begins with the text "Arab/ Israeli tensions surface in Dubai.

Although it's not listed in the written menu, the Pacific item comes up at 18' 28" on the player and lasts about five minutes.

I'm biased of course, but it's well worth a listen...

About Joss

Bass player and backing vox in the four piece beat combo that is the UK Greenpeace Web Experience. In my 6 years here I've worked on almost every campaign and been fascinated by them all to varying degrees. Just now I'm working on Peace and Oceans - which means getting rid of our Trident nuclear weapons system and creating large marine reserves so that marine life can get some protection from overfishing.

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