Greenpeace Blog

Are you sitting comfortably?

Posted by jamie — 5 October 2006 at 8:00am - Comments
Climate change is clearly the bandwagon to be on at the moment. The new green-blue Tories (what colour of the political spectrum does that make them - aquamarine?) have muscled their way on board, the media is transmitting the message on all channels, and even celebrities like Thandie Newton are climbing aboard. To my knowledge, we haven't got Jimmy Carr yet but he pops up on everything else so it's only a matter of time.

World's largest rice company bans GM-contaminated imports from US

Posted by jamie — 2 October 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

A selection of different rice varieties

Just weeks after we uncovered US rice on supermarket shelves across Europe, including the UK, containing illegal genetically modified (GM) rice, the scandal continues to grow with more illegal GM rice being discovered. In the latest blow for the GM industry, the world's largest rice processing company has stopped importing US rice into Europe due to the threat of contamination.

How the toxic waste was won

Posted by jamie — 29 September 2006 at 8:00am - Comments


Sitting behind a desk in London, it's sometimes easy to forget we're part of an organisation working in places all over the planet. The mundanity of everyday life acts a kind of blinker and even with email, the exotic locations some people work in still seem very far away. It's all relative of course, but then something happens to peel back those blinkers and put what we do in context.

Yet more illegal rainforest timber found in Westminster

Posted by admin — 28 September 2006 at 8:00am - Comments
Following our expose at the Cabinet Office, more illegal timber has been found in Westminster

You couldn't make it up. After having been exposed no less than three times already for using illegal timber in their building projects, Tony Blair's government has done it again.

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