Papua New Guinea

Adios, McKinsey: Papua New Guinea gives consultants the heave-ho

Posted by jamie — 14 December 2011 at 2:58pm - Comments
Child in Papua New Guinea protesting about land grabbing
All rights reserved. Credit: Paul Hilton/Greenpeace
Local people, not global consultants, should have a say in how their forests are protected

It seems the bad influence of McKinsey has diminished somewhat recently. The consultancy firm has been kicked out of Papua New Guinea (PNG), where it had been advising the government on how best to protect its rainforests and reduce emissions from deforestation. It seems the new (if controversial) administration has decided to cease doing business with McKinsey.

The 'twiddling fingers' part of direct action

Posted by jamie — 14 November 2008 at 11:41am - Comments

A dance troupe from Manokwari take a tour of the Esperanza's bridge

A dance troupe from Manokwari take a tour of the Esperanza's bridge in October 2008 © Greenpeace/Rante

Jamie wrote this - his thoughts and reflections on the ship tour so far - as he was waiting for something to happen in Indonesia last night. Eventually, something did.

Direct actions can be quite boring at times. The few moments of excitement are the ones which make the headlines and the photos, but anyone who has participated themselves will know there can be long, drawn-out stretches when not much is happening. Direct inaction, if you will.

I'm currently experiencing that now. As I write this, nestled in the campaign office on board the Esperanza, we're playing a waiting game. You've probably read about what the crew here has been up to in the Indonesian port of Dumai, painting and blockading palm oil tankers.

Opening up the Greenpeace photo library

Posted by jamie — 1 October 2008 at 12:19pm - Comments

I've mentioned before about how I love wandering through the Greenpeace photo library (it's on a big server, so any wandering is purely figurative) - there's always just one more enticing folder to explore. And it's hardly surprising, when our campaign work takes photographers to some stunning locations and places them at the heart of the action. Some have even won major international awards for their work, both with Greenpeace and independently.

Broken promises in Papua New Guinea

Posted by jamie — 22 September 2008 at 5:31pm - Comments

Following the recent fun with a timber cargo ship in Papua New Guinea, the Greenpeace team on the Esperanza has sent through some more material which throws the spotlight on what's happening in the country's forests. The video below explains how local communities are being short-changed by logging companies, with things like schools and medical centres promised by these companies simply not materialising:

Rainforest timber shipment blocked in Papua New Guinea

Posted by jamie — 3 September 2008 at 5:49pm - Comments

A banner hangs from the Harbour Gemini which is carrying illegal timber from Papua New Guinea

A Greenpeace team occupies the Harbour Gemini, carrying illegal timber from Papua New Guinea and bound for China
© Sutton-Hibbert/Greenpeace

As we wait for the European Commission to consider legislation to prevent illegal timber from entering Europe, a Greenpeace team in Papua New Guinea have stepped in to prevent a ship from loading up with wood of dubious provenance.

The ship, Harbour Gemini, was loading timber at Paia Inlet in Gulf Province, when four activists from our ship the Esperanza climbed a loading crane to hang a huge banner reading 'Protect Forests, Save Our Climate'. Looking on were groups of local people in boats, while others held their own peaceful protests at the port and nearby logging camps.

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