Greenpeace Blog

Even blank cheques from government can't make nuclear power work

Posted by Richardg — 4 October 2012 at 4:30pm - Comments
Mochovce nuclear power plant in Slovakia lit up at night
All rights reserved. Credit: Tomas Halasz / Greenpeace

The government has bent over backwards to accommodate the nuclear industry. Yet despite promising billions of pounds of public subsidy, it seems unable to find anyone willing to build a nuclear reactor.

We want the politicians to come and get their feet wet

Posted by Fran G — 4 October 2012 at 10:49am - Comments

Luís comes from a family of fishermen. His great-grandfather started fishing in the tiny village of Cabo de Gata, near Almería, Spain, many years ago. Today, Luís is teaching is son the ropes. He's the first of the fifth generation of fishermen from this family.

Get well soon, Volkswagen

Posted by Hugh Mouser — 1 October 2012 at 5:18pm - Comments
Activists from Greenpeace France hang a banner at the Paris Motorshow
All rights reserved. Credit: Nicolas Chauveau / Greenpeace
Activists from Greenpeace France hang a banner at the Paris Motorshow

What are the signs of a guilty conscience? Volkswagen seems to be providing the perfect example. For the past year Greenpeace has been exposing how VW’s green marketing is just a smokescreen and urging it to green up its act.

Lost en route?

Posted by petespeller — 26 September 2012 at 12:42pm - Comments

Are we nearly there yet? When it comes to cleaning up car emissions, VW’s answer always seems to be no.

Lib Dems promise to clean up our electricity and defend green growth

Posted by Richardg — 24 September 2012 at 3:32pm - Comments
Poster at Lib Dem conference in Brighton
All rights reserved. Credit: Richard George / Greenpeace
Poster at Lib Dem conference in Brighton

This weekend, the Liberal Democrats committed themselves to fighting for clean electricity. It’s a great step towards a clean energy future – but now it’s time for them to deliver.

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