Arctic barge day 1

Last edited 8 August 2000 at 8:00am

Stephanie Tunore- Arctic action

Stephanie Tunore- Arctic action

It�s nearly 2pm and we�ve been on board for about 14 hours now. There has been no word from the authorities so far but I did a telephone interview with a local (Barrow) radio station about an hour ago and they seemed to think BP is arranging to have us removed and arrested by North Slope authorities. We have instituted a watch system so there is always someone up on the roof keeping a lookout.

Most people have managed to snatch a couple of hours sleep and have got a second wind.

It�s amazing how quickly we have adapted to our circumstances and surroundings. This huge three-storey building has become really familiar to us and we now find our way around easily, instead of creeping cautiously along in the darkness, holding on to the walls.

The wind has really started to pick up in the last hour. There doesn�t seem to be corner in which to escape it at the moment. Thank God for Arctic survival suits and thermal underwear. Still suffering a bit at the extremities though!



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