First underwater images of stunning Amazon Coral Reef captured by Greenpeace

Last edited 10 February 2017 at 4:04pm
29 January, 2017

Amapá state, Brazil, 29 January 2017 - Greenpeace Brazil has captured the first underwater images of the Amazon Reef, a unique 9500 km2 system of corals, sponges and rhodoliths located where the Amazon River meets the Atlantic Ocean – an area that the Brazilian government has opened for oil exploration.

 A team of experts, including several oceanographers who revealed evidence of the extensive and unique reef system last year, have joined the Greenpeace ship Esperanza on an expedition to document this new biome, which runs from French Guyana to the Brazilian state of Maranhão, an area larger than the cities of São Paulo or London.[1] Oil companies Total and BP could start drilling in this area if they obtain authorization from the Brazilian government.

Greenpeace climbs British Museum on opening day of BP-sponsored “Sunken cities” exhibition

Last edited 19 May 2016 at 10:52am
19 May, 2016

London, 19 May 2016 - Greenpeace activists are scaling the British Museum in protest at oil giant BP’s sponsorship of a new blockbuster exhibition. The climbers are hanging seven huge banners down the front columns of the museum. The banners carry the names of cities and regions struck by flooding and climate change disasters.


The ‘Sunken Cities’ showcase – which opened this morning – displays artefacts recovered from two ancient cities submerged under the Mediterranean. But in what campaigners call ‘a stunning irony’ the exhibition is being used to promote oil company BP.

Sunken Cities are not a thing of the past

Posted by Elena Polisano — 19 May 2016 at 10:09am - Comments
by-nc. Credit: Jiri Rezac / Greenpeace

Right now 14 activists are scaling the British Museum to call on the institution to drop BP’s sponsorship. Here's why they're doing it.

Deepwater Horizon five year anniversary: Greenpeace reaction

Last edited 17 April 2015 at 5:15pm
17 April, 2015

In response to the five year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico which killed 11 people and spilled five million barrels of oil, Ian Duff, Arctic campaigner, said:

“The Deepwater Horizon disaster was a truly shocking episode. People everywhere were stunned by the carnage the oil industry had wrought, and how incompetent it was at dealing with the disaster. There was a huge amount of anger.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Russian Roulette - Investor Briefing

Last edited 20 August 2013 at 3:47pm
Publication date: 
5 November, 2012

On 22nd October BP plc announced it had agreed heads of terms to sell its 50% stake in TNK-BP - their partner in Russia for much the last troubled 15 years - to Rosneft, a company owned largely by the Russian State. BP's official announcement of the proposed deal focusses on the benefits of Rosneft's 2011 oil reserve additions and their sizeable dividend of 25%.

Download the report:

5 important lessons not learnt from Deepwater Horizon

Posted by jamie — 20 April 2012 at 5:54pm - Comments
The stricken Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico

The second anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon disaster is upon us - and looking at the lessons the oil industry got from it, you’d think it never happened. Here are the most important points governments and oil companies didn’t learn.