Save the Arctic

Last edited 14 March 2014 at 1:26pm

The fragile Arctic is under threat from both climate change and oil drilling. As climate change melts the Arctic ice, oil companies are moving in to extract more of the fossil fuels that caused the melt in the first place. But above the Arctic circle, freezing temperatures, a narrow drilling window and a remote location mean that an oil spill would be almost impossible to deal with. It's a catastrophe waiting to happen. Greenpeace is working to halt climate change and to stop this new oil rush at the top of the world.

Campaign updates

We need 30 Twitter millionaires to #FreeTheArctic30

Our friends are being charged with hooliganism for standing up to Gazprom. It’s an incredibly serious charge and carries a maximum sentence of 7 years in a...
Posted by jamess - 2 October, 2013 - 11:40

What do the experts say?

A great number of legal experts have commented on the boarding and seizure of the Greenpeace International ship Arctic Sunrise and on the piracy charges...
Posted by bex - 2 October, 2013 - 09:29

Open thread: Call out for your ideas to help Free the Arctic 30

As of yesterday, all 30 of the men and women who were aboard the Arctic Sunrise are being detained for two months in Russian jail, without charge. We must not...
Posted by Nic S - 30 September, 2013 - 17:23

In pictures: building the world's largest polar bear

On 15 September we will haul a giant people-powered polar bear through central London. Aurora is part protest, part performance - all Arctic. She is a giant...
Posted by Fran G - 3 September, 2013 - 18:38

In pictures: building the world's largest polar bear

On 15 September we will haul a giant people-powered polar bear through central London. Aurora is part protest, part performance - all Arctic. She is a giant...
Posted by Fran G - 3 September, 2013 - 18:38

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