Save the Arctic

Last edited 14 March 2014 at 1:26pm

The fragile Arctic is under threat from both climate change and oil drilling. As climate change melts the Arctic ice, oil companies are moving in to extract more of the fossil fuels that caused the melt in the first place. But above the Arctic circle, freezing temperatures, a narrow drilling window and a remote location mean that an oil spill would be almost impossible to deal with. It's a catastrophe waiting to happen. Greenpeace is working to halt climate change and to stop this new oil rush at the top of the world.

Campaign updates

BREAKING: Cairn obtains legal interdict: ‘Twitter ban’ and 'gagging order' for Greenpeace

Update: Read the interdict in full. In its latest move to cover up the truth about its Arctic drilling, Cairn Energy has obtained an extraordinary, wide-...
Posted by bex - 19 July, 2011 - 19:35 -

Cairn occupation is over, but the campaign goes on

It's been a long day but, around 12 hours after our intrepid Polar bears occupied Cairn Energy's HQ, the last of them has now been removed by police. Around...
Posted by bex - 18 July, 2011 - 20:22 -

Cairn occupation is over, but the campaign goes on

It's been a long day but, around 12 hours after our intrepid Polar bears occupied Cairn Energy's HQ, the last of them has now been removed by police. Around...
Posted by bex - 18 July, 2011 - 20:22 -

A message to the oil industry: what spill response?

Last week, the oil industry was in London. The World National Oil Companies Congress - sponsored by the likes of Chevron, Total and Statoil and addressed by BP...
Posted by bex - 29 June, 2011 - 12:13 -
Cairn's rig - the most controversial in the world - about to start Arctic drilli

Save the Arctic? No thanks, says UK Energy Minister

While our campaign to save the Arctic from risky oil drilling has been playing out in Greenlandic waters and Dutch courtrooms over the past few weeks, the UK...
Posted by bex - 15 June, 2011 - 12:37 -

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