Case study: Green Park, Reading

Last edited 23 July 2007 at 3:23pm

Green Park wind turbine

Every year, millions of people drive past an 85 metre turbine on the M4, on the outskirts of Reading. The wind turbine, which supplies the many large businesses in the Green Park commercial estate and over 1000 homes, is one of the very few truly urban wind turbines in the country.

Designed by Sir Norman Foster, the 2MW turbine generates 3500 MWh of electricity every year, cutting carbon dioxide emissions by more than 3000 tonnes.

The wind power project is a joint initiative from Ecotricity and developers Prudential Property Investment Managers. Local contractors and suppliers were used for most of the building work, including the construction of access roads and turbine foundations.

For more information on the project, contact Madeline Carroll of Ecotricity on 01453 769 318.

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