Energy + action = change

Last edited 5 July 2002 at 8:00am
Offshore wind farm, oeresund

Offshore wind farm, oeresund

Greenpeace is taking the irrefutable case for renewable energy's environmental and economic benefits to politicians, policy makers and the public. We are:

Challenging world leaders to tackle poverty
We have joined forces with The Body Shop to challenge world leaders to deliver safe, clean, renewable energy to the two billion people around the world who live without modern energy sources. We are demanding a commitment to Choose Positive Energy at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Rio+10), held in South Africa from 26th August to 4th September.

Lobbying the UK government
Britain has reached an energy crossroads, and we have to make sure the Government chooses the right path. Desperate to find alternatives to burning oil, coal and gas, and despite the immense risks and public opposition, they are seriously considering building up to 10 more nuclear power stations around the UK. We are working to convince them that nuclear power is not only dangerous and uneconomic, but also unnecessary given the UK's vast renewable energy resources.

Promoting a vision for East Anglia
Our mobile cinema is touring the East Anglia region during July and August

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