Historic shareholder vote against BP on arctic oil

Last edited 13 April 2000 at 8:00am
Greenpeace takes arctic protest to the BP AGM

Greenpeace takes arctic protest to the BP AGM

BP Amoco must take heed of a significant vote at its Annual General Meeting today on a resolution calling for the abandonment of oil production plans for the Arctic ocean and Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and for a redirection of funds into its solar subsidiary BP Solarex.

Today's initial proxy vote, displayed at the BP AGM today, showed 9,541 million shares against the resolution and 1,491 million shares in favour or 13.5 per cent of the vote. Votes of the shareholders attending today's meeting have yet to be counted.

To read the entire press release click on 'full report' at the top of this page. The file is prepared as a PDF (58k).

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