Ask your supermarket to make the switch

Last edited 30 April 2007 at 1:10pm

Your help in getting supermarkets to take incandescent bulbs off their shelves is vital. In the UK, around 80 per cent of domestic bulbs sold are wasteful, incandescent bulbs. If all retailers in the UK only stocked energy efficient light bulbs, the UK could save over five million tonnes of CO2 emissions a year – more than the CO2 emissions of the 26 lowest countries combined!

With the government unlikely to bring in an energy efficiency law anytime soon, supermarkets should remove incandescent bulbs from their shelves by the end of this year, thereby encouraging the government to introduce mandatory targets for energy efficient lighting and other energy using products.

You can help remind retailers of their responsibilities. Send a letter to your supermarket (or to all of them) letting them know how delighted you’d be if they made the switch by following the Co-op’s example and taking incandescent bulbs off their shelves.

Click on one of the logos below to send a message to your supermarket.

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