The Arctic 30 are being detained in Russian prisons, charged with piracy. Please help us to shine a light into their cells, raise their spirits and let them know how much support they have all over the world. These 28 activists and two journalists are at the forefront of the battle against dangerous oil drilling in the Arctic, they are heroes not pirates. In their darkest moments we need to let them know they are not alone, so please write a card or letter with a message of support
Posted by jamie — 11 August 2009 at 11:14am
If you've been visiting our website regularly, you may have spotted a small but significant change which occurred a couple of weeks ago, when a new 'Community' link appeared in the navigation box to your left. That weeny grey box leads to a whole new section of the website we've been developing over the past year, namely the new online home for our network of active supporter groups across the country.
Posted by jamie — 10 December 2008 at 1:38pm
I've just received an email about this action being spearheaded by the UK Youth Delegation at Poznan. Pick up the phone and make the call!
Right now, Gordon Brown is preparing to meet with other European heads of state to sign a crucial climate change deal. This deal is the first of its kind - and the rest of the world will use this as their example. If it’s not ambitious enough (and all signs point that way) this deal will jeopardise our future.
We have a small window of opportunity to change this.
In the next 24 hours let’s get as many of us as possible to call Gordon Brown and ask him for the strong climate deal that we deserve!
1. Call this number - 0207 930 4433 (No.10 switchboard)
2. Say who you are, where you’re from and ask to leave a message for Gordon Brown
3. The operator will tell you that you can’t leave a message and should
send a letter instead. Tell him/her that this is urgent, and you want
to see Gordon push for a strong climate deal on Thursday
4. Call three friends and get them to call Gordon too
5. Forward this video on to everyone you know
6. Feel warm and fuzzy that you’ve exercised your democratic right!
Seafood See Life is our vibrant new network bringing together influential people, organisations and businesses that want to be part of a positive wave of change for our oceans.
If you're a chef, restaurateur or food writer, you can help us spread the word by grabbing one of our banners to use on your blog, website or MySpace page. It's easy, simply copy the code from the text field below the banner you would like display, and insert it into your web page.
From that eminent list, a People's Choice winner will be decided by, um, the choice of the people.
When I voted (ahem), we were coming fourth, so if you like the blog please get stuck in (you can vote at the end of this blog post).
As Jim Jay points out, the green blogosphere is picking up both
in quantity and quality. Which can only be a good thing. And which makes it especially cockle warming to know that somebody
thinks we're getting something right.
Posted by jamie — 31 July 2008 at 3:53pm
The bad news is that the vote on illegal timber amongst members of the European Commission has been delayed (they're looking at legislation to ban dodgy wood from Europe) and now probably won't take place until September. The good news is that it gives us all a chance to have some fun in the meantime (and do some creative campaigning at the same time).
We all love forests and we want you to show the powers that be in the EU just how much. The forests have already made their own effort, but here's what we'd like you to do:
Posted by jamie — 23 June 2008 at 10:19am
Just one of the many actions we've taken to expose the government's shoddy approach to illegal timber
Over the past few years, we've done plenty of
work to highlight the problem of illegally
logged timber being imported and sold in the UK - remember the government's repeated
foul-ups in this area? It's insane, but we still don't have any laws
preventing illegal timber from places like the Amazon and south-east Asia
reaching our shores, nor does any other country in Europe.
Posted by jamie — 29 April 2008 at 3:59pm
Just some of the men, women and things who have told Dove to stop trashing rainforests
Our Dove campaign is rolling along and at the weekend it broke out into town centres up and down the country. Groups of Greenpeace volunteers were asking members of the public to pose for photos which are now part of our growing Flickr gallery full of people who think it's a bit mad to chop down rainforests just to make soap. We've had young 'uns, old 'uns and even a Cyberman - if you've had your picture taken, see if you can find it and send it to the people behind Dove (details below).