Donate to Greenpeace

Last edited 19 November 2006 at 7:58am

Please support Greenpeace today and help keep us in action.

Donate to Greenpeace today and your support will help us to end illegal and destructive logging of the world's ancient forests, defend the world's oceans by working for global marine reserves and continue to promote clean, efficient and renewable energy to help stop catastrophic climate change.

Greenpeace relies entirely on donations from individual supporters. In order to retain our independence, we do not accept funding from governments or corporations, as this could compromise our independence, aims and integrity.

Searching for illegal Timber in Malaysia

Monthly donations

A Direct Debit is the most effective way to donate to Greenpeace - it allows us to predict how much money we will have available, and also cuts down on administration costs.

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Talking to cod fishermen in the North Sea

Single gifts

Making a one-off donation by credit or debit card helps us to continue our campaigns for a green and peaceful world.

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