
Together, we can stop climate chaos

Last edited 30 January 2008 at 5:59pm

The world is warming up. Already 150,000 people are dying every year because of climate change and, within 50 years, one-third of all land-based species could face extinction.

We're the last generation that can stop this global catastrophe, and we need your help.

Help us protect them and their forest

Last edited 5 October 2007 at 5:35pm


Indonesia's rainforest is one of the richest, most varied eco-systems on earth – teeming with animals and plant species so numerous that we’re still discovering new ones.

Orang-utans, elephants, Sumatran tigers, hundreds of bird species and thousands of plant species all rely on this rainforest for their survival. It’s also home to millions of people who depend on the forest for their livelihood and way of life.

Donate to Greenpeace

Last edited 19 November 2006 at 7:58am

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Donate to Greenpeace today and your support will help us to end illegal and destructive logging of the world's ancient forests, defend the world's oceans by working for global marine reserves and continue to promote clean, efficient and renewable energy to help stop catastrophic climate change.