Download EfficienCity

Last edited 18 January 2008 at 6:36pm -

EfficienCity: a climate-friendly town

As well as helping us to spread the word about EfficienCity by using one of our banners, you can download the entire working town to use offline (please note, the files contain lots of videos and are very large):

Windows (51.5 MB)
Mac (53.6 MB)

Teachers - feel free to download the town and use it in lesson plans about energy and climate change. You may want to start with our video about local and efficient energy generation to get the students started. You could also get students writing to their local council to ask them about local energy generation.

More than anything we would love to hear your ideas for using this in your classrooms - you can leave a comment below. Or if you do come up with your own lesson plan, email it to us and we will share it with other teachers.



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