
Welcome to The Weekly Geek: decentralised energy

Posted by bex — 13 February 2008 at 3:16pm - Comments

This CHP plant in Denmark is 95 per cent efficient

This combined heat and power plant in Denmark is up to 95 per cent efficient

To celebrate our launch of EfficienCity, we're starting a new, weekly column for all the closet energy geeks out there. Every week, we'll take an in-depth look at one of the technologies we feature in EfficienCity - tidal power, wave power, wind energy, combined heat and power, micro-hydro power, anaerobic digestion, biomass and the rest. We'll also be looking at issues like baseload and the regulatory context for decentralised energy.

So remember to check back each Wednesday and, if you have any suggestions for energy solutions to climate change you'd like to see us cover, just post a comment at the bottom of this page and we'll try to slot it in.

Discuss EfficienCity

Last edited 8 February 2008 at 2:05pm -

EfficienCity: a climate-friendly town

EfficienCity: a climate-friendly town

Want to discuss EfficienCity, decentralised energy, or your experiences of talking to your local council? Just post a comment at the bottom of this page.

Visit EfficienCity, our spanking new, multimedia packed, climate friendly town

Posted by bex — 7 February 2008 at 2:15pm - Comments

EfficienCity - a climate friendly town

Visit EfficienCity, our climate friendly town

If a picture speaks a thousand words, a multimedia-packed, animation-filled interactive town must speak a million. Which is why we've launched EfficienCity - to explain exactly what decentralised energy is and how it works in practice (which can otherwise be a wordy business).

Greenpeace virtual city could become a reality across the UK

Last edited 7 February 2008 at 1:38pm
7 February, 2008

Visit the town at www.greenpeace.org.uk/efficiencity

Greenpeace has launched an interactive virtual city showcasing how towns and cities across the UK are fighting climate change and enjoying a cleaner and more secure energy future - without relying on new coal or nuclear power stations.

EfficienCity: what to ask your local council

Last edited 5 February 2008 at 1:45pm

EfficienCity: a climate-friendly town

Thanks for deciding to help make your community climate friendlier! Councils can transform the UK's energy system - and many already are. We want all councils that take the leap into a genuinely sustainable energy future

How local authorities can become climate-friendly

Last edited 20 September 2016 at 1:24pm

EfficienCity: a climate-friendly town

This action is now closed, and the information on this page is out of date. For the latest way to take action with Greenpeace, please visit our website home page.

EfficienCity: a climate-friendly town

EfficienCity is a virtual, climate-friendly town designed to inform individuals, businesses and local authorities about community energy schemes, combined heat and power, renewable technologies and efficiency measures - and how these can be implemented in real world towns.

EfficienCity: spread the word!

Last edited 30 January 2008 at 5:08pm

EfficienCity is a virtual city but all towns and cities in the UK could be enjoying the same lower greenhouse gas emissions, cheaper bills and better energy security.

Help us spread the word by grabbing one of our banners to use on your blog, website or MySpace page. Don't be shy, just grab the code and insert!

Download EfficienCity

Last edited 18 January 2008 at 6:36pm -

EfficienCity: a climate-friendly town

As well as helping us to spread the word about EfficienCity by using one of our banners, you can download the entire working town to use offline (please note, the files contain lots of videos and are very large):

Make your town climate-friendly

Last edited 20 September 2016 at 1:23pm -

EfficienCity: a climate-friendly town

This action is now closed, and the information on this page is out of date. For the latest way to take action with Greenpeace, please visit our website home page.

EfficienCity: a climate-friendly town

All about EfficienCity

Last edited 18 January 2008 at 6:26pm

EfficienCity: a climate-friendly town

EfficienCity: a climate-friendly town

EfficienCity is a virtual town, but pioneering, real world communities around the UK are using similar systems. As a result, they're enjoying lower greenhouse gas emissions, a more secure energy supply, cheaper electricity and heating bills and a whole new attitude towards energy.

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