
Last edited 6 July 2004 at 8:00am
Soulmates gather in the green field at Glastonbury

A Soulmates gathering at Glastonbury

Once again Love was in the air as we teamed up with The Guardian to provide our special Soulmates service.

If you were looking for that special someone, hoping to hook up with an old friend, or just wanted to meet some new greens, Soulmates was the place to be.

Among the big successes was the marriage of Zephyr Wood and Rowan Burroughs from Bangor, North Wales. One of the SoulmateTeam Leaders Kirstie Norris, and her partner Steve Hughes who was Team Leader in Cafe Tango (the Greenpeace field's organic cafe) also got married.

Greenpeace Active Network Developer Jo Melzack's daughter Poppy was at the festival for the first time (as an adult anyway) - Jo was being very respectful by not phoning her to check how she was, so imagine her surprise when Poppy rang home on Sunday evening and said "hey mum, I got married!" - she worked in Soulmates and had a brilliant time.

She wasn't alone - there was a lot of it about!



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