Protect forests

Last edited 4 February 2014 at 3:24pm

The Earth's ancient forests form some of the most diverse ecosystems known to science and are vital in regulating the world's climate. But eighty per cent of them have already been destroyed or degraded, and the remaining forests are under threat. Greenpeace is working to end illegal and destructive logging of the world's ancient forests, and to protect the rights of the indigenous peoples and species that depend on them.

Campaign updates

Exposed: how loggers plunder the Amazon and get away with it

For two years, Greenpeace has been investigating logging in the Brazilian Amazon. We found that criminals were ransacking the forest - and that the systems set...
Posted by Richardg - 14 May, 2014 - 17:54

Exposed: how loggers plunder the Amazon and get away with it

For two years, Greenpeace has been investigating logging in the Brazilian Amazon. We found that criminals were ransacking the forest - and that the systems set...
Posted by Richardg - 14 May, 2014 - 17:54

Exposed: how loggers plunder the Amazon and get away with it

For two years, Greenpeace has been investigating logging in the Brazilian Amazon. We found that criminals were ransacking the forest - and that the systems set...
Posted by Richardg - 14 May, 2014 - 17:54

Brazil's logging sector is full of crooks - and the Amazon is paying the price

The Brazilian government has made several attempts to take control of logging in the Amazon. But despite high-profile crackdowns, the trade in illegal timber...
Posted by Richardg - 7 May, 2014 - 15:05

No more tears for tigers as Johnson & Johnson cleans up its palm oil

On Friday, Johnson & Johnson announced it would stop buying palm oil from companies destroying the rainforest. Now the onus is on the palm oil industry as...
Posted by Richardg - 6 May, 2014 - 11:21

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