Protect forests

Last edited 4 February 2014 at 3:24pm

The Earth's ancient forests form some of the most diverse ecosystems known to science and are vital in regulating the world's climate. But eighty per cent of them have already been destroyed or degraded, and the remaining forests are under threat. Greenpeace is working to end illegal and destructive logging of the world's ancient forests, and to protect the rights of the indigenous peoples and species that depend on them.

Campaign updates

Local people from Mahan, India, protest against a proposed coal mine.

The Mahan Story — It Takes a Village

In the village it is pitch dark by 7.30 pm. At the designated spot for the meeting, there are about 15 or 20 villagers holding solar lanterns. The meeting...
Posted by Greenpeace UK - 26 August, 2014 - 17:07

There's nothing sustainable about destroying forests for palm oil

Some of the biggest companies in the palm oil industry just launched the Sustainable Palm Oil Manifesto. They say its a step forward - but we say it's...
Posted by Richardg - 16 July, 2014 - 11:52

APRIL is pulping the rainforest - but its customers are walking away

Customers are suspending contracts with Indonesia’s second largest pulp and paper company APRIL after we exposed its destruction of rainforests and fire-...
Posted by Richardg - 10 July, 2014 - 12:05

6 myths Indonesia's biggest forest destroyer wants you to believe

Pulp and paper company APRIL, along with its sister companies, is the greatest threat to the Indonesian rainforest. But these destructive companies are telling...
Posted by Richardg - 10 July, 2014 - 11:54

Result: Jewson takes Amazon timber off the shelves and launches investigation

The timber merchant Jewson - the only high street store where you can buy Amazon timber - has agreed to put all sales on hold while it investigates its...
Posted by Richardg - 13 June, 2014 - 12:43

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