Environmentally friendly garden furniture: a consumer guide

Last edited 8 April 2005 at 8:00am
A detail from the Garden Furniture Guide

Detail from the Garden Furniture Guide.JPG

Some of Britain's best known retailers are selling garden furniture made from timber which has been illegailly logged from the world's rainforests. The Garden Furniture Guide is our website designed to help consumers ensure that the timber used in their garden products comes from environmentally and socially well-managed sources.

The site is arranged so that you can search by either brand or retailer. Product ranges are coded in either red, yellow or green depending on the source of the timber they use. By using your consumer power to purchase environmentally friendly alternatives, you can help us force manufacturers to stop sourcing their timber from trashed rainforests.

The only way you can ensure that your garden furniture hasn't come from old-growth rainforest is to buy products certified by the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council). Always look out for their logo, and buy with confidence.

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