garden furniture

B&Q commit to selling good wood in China

Posted by jamie — 14 June 2007 at 11:14am - Comments

B&Q are to sell only certified timber in their Chinese stores

Not only are homes in the UK gradually becoming greener, their Asian equivalents could also heading in the same direction now that B&Q is removing all products containing illegal timber from their shelves in China.

Illegal timber supplies axed by B&Q

Last edited 12 June 2007 at 11:20am
12 June, 2007

Beijing, China - Companies supplying China with illegal timber were dealt a major blow today when the world's third largest home improvement retailer, B&Q, announced a scheme to root out illegal supplies and guarantee within three years all products will be from certified responsible forestry programmes.

Two months ago, Greenpeace revealed that many timber species commonly sold in home improvement stores across China come from countries where up to 80 per cent of the logging is illegal and destructive.(1)

Where has the Garden Furniture Guide gone?

Last edited 16 April 2007 at 11:02am

B&Q is one of the retailers that has improved its garden furniture policies

Since its launch in 2004, the Garden Furniture Guide has been extremely successful. We've seen many retailers working hard to improve their policies and removing furniture that has been made as a result of ancient forest destruction.

Garden furniture league table 2006

Last edited 20 April 2006 at 5:01pm
Publication date: 
20 April, 2006

The third annual league table shows how garden furniture retailers in the UK compare in terms of selling furniture made from sustainable timber. Some retailers have shown a marked improvement in ensuring their stock is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council while others still have work to do.

Note: The information provided in this league table is based on data provided by companies before May 2006. Please be aware that changes in company practices may have occurred since that time.

Download the report:

Garden Furniture Guide 2006

Posted by admin — 20 April 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

B&Q are one of the retailers who are at the top of this year's garden furniture league

It's back - the guide that shows which retailers are stocking forest-friendly garden furniture and how they rate against each other in our annual league table.

A British summer beckons and thoughts turn to lazy days in the garden, sheltering from the rain under a parasol on elegant sun loungers whilst watching the barbeque splutter its dying embers over half-thawed sausages.

Garden furniture campaign history

Posted by admin — 20 April 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

Do you know where your deckchair came from?

Now in its third year, the Greenpeace Garden Furniture campaign has been shaking up retailers and manufacturers alike and resulted in sweeping changes to the industry.

Environmentally friendly garden furniture: a consumer guide

Last edited 8 April 2005 at 8:00am
A detail from the Garden Furniture Guide

Detail from the Garden Furniture Guide.JPG

Some of Britain's best known retailers are selling garden furniture made from timber which has been illegailly logged from the world's rainforests. The Garden Furniture Guide is our website designed to help consumers ensure that the timber used in their garden products comes from environmentally and socially well-managed sources.

The site is arranged so that you can search by either brand or retailer. Product ranges are coded in either red, yellow or green depending on the source of the timber they use. By using your consumer power to purchase environmentally friendly alternatives, you can help us force manufacturers to stop sourcing their timber from trashed rainforests.

The only way you can ensure that your garden furniture hasn't come from old-growth rainforest is to buy products certified by the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council). Always look out for their logo, and buy with confidence.

Orang-utans 'Go Ape' at Hereford garden centre

Last edited 29 March 2005 at 9:00am
29 March, 2005

25 March 2005
Orang-utans, accompanied by Greenpeace volunteers, are protesting at Wyevale garden centre's flagship store in Hereford due to the retailer's involvement in trashing endangered rainforests.

The orang-utans have unveiled a banner reading DON'T BUY WYEVALE GARDEN FURNITURE, while other protestors are distributing 'Lost Ape' leaflets to shoppers.