What you can do

Last edited 19 February 2003 at 9:00am
Greenpeace balloon over Berlin peace march

Greenpeace balloon over Berlin peace march

Here's two things you can do to show that you were opposed to the US and UK waging an immoral and illegal war on Iraq.

1. Write to your MP

Tell your MP you opposed this war, and remind them that it was not in your name.

Remember that many MPs, including Labour members, did not support the Government's motion to attack Iraq. Find out if your MP voted against the war, and if so, write to congratulate them.

Letter writing tips

  • Use your own words, as correspondence from individuals has more impact. Take direction from our briefing paper if you'd like help with structuring your arguments.
  • If you have already lobbied your MP, write again.
  • If you don't know who your MP is, you can look it up on Parliament's website here.
  • Use the Fax Your MP site, which is run by volunteers who believe it should be easy to contact your MP, to hasten the letter-writing process.


2. Write to your local paper

Help keep the anti-war debate in the public eye by writing to your local newspaper. Again, use your own words or seek guidance from our briefing paper. Your letter has more chance of being published if you keep it short.


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