Greenpeace exposes GM sneaking in to our food

Last edited 20 November 2000 at 9:00am
beluga at sea

beluga at sea

The Greenpeace ship the Beluga is currently moored in Albert Docks, Liverpool to help put a spotlight on continuing imports of GM crops entering the UK, through Cargill's facility there.

The Cargill facility at Gladstone Docks is the major route for imports of GM soya into the UK. Once imported, it is crushed and sold on to be fed to animals that provide our meat and dairy products. Neither the GM animal feed or food produced from animals fed on it is labelled.

As part of our campaign to expose this contamination Greenpeace projected a 100ft laser image on to the Cargill liverpool facility on 08/11 - reading "GM inside". Volunteers also communicated directly with workers leaving the plant at the end of the days shift.

Greenpeace campaigner Andy Tait said, "Despite the fact that there has been a complete rejection of GM food by the UK public, GM is still being sneaked into our food via animal feed.

"Greenpeace is here to expose this GM contamination of the food chain, highlight risks to the environment and to get these unwanted GM imports stopped."

Greenpeace has invited Cargill director Hugh Guill to visit the Beluga for a meeting to discuss stopping GM imports into the UK but so far they have refused a meeting.

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