animal feed

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Greenpeace 13 acquitted in GM trial

Last edited 16 September 2005 at 8:00am
16 September, 2005

Campaigners reveal illegal varieties of GM are being imported into UK

A jury at Cardiff Crown Court today cleared 13 Greenpeace volunteers of causing a public nuisance after a two-week trial that saw the trade in GM animal feed attacked by defendants from the witness box.

GM Trial updates

Last edited 6 September 2005 at 8:00am
Trial defendants in Cardiff

Trial defendants in Cardiff


15 September 2005

The defence for the Greenpeace volunteers finished yesterday with testimonies from two further defendants. Nicole Cook and Huw Williams both boarded the Etoile and spent the duration of the action on deck.

Greenpeace's campaign for real milk set up cardiff's first GM-free pub on Queen Street, Cardiff

Last edited 20 July 2005 at 8:00am
20 July, 2005

Greenpeace teamed up with professional jokesters the Ministry of Fun to promote the Campaign for Real Milk. The aim of the campaign is to rid Wales of GM milk. For one day only a fake pub, The Cow Major, will be opening its doors on Queen Street serving up pints of GM free milk and alerting the people of Wales to the fact that most milk sold in Wales comes from cows fed on GM feed.

Cardiff wide day of action against supermarkets selling GM milk

Last edited 12 March 2005 at 9:00am
12 March, 2005

Greenpeace are holding a Cardiff wide day of action against supermarkets still selling genetically modified (GM) milk. Shoppers the length and breadth of Cardiff will be offered the chance to exchange their GM milk for an organic alternative free of charge to show their rejection of GM goods.

Cows in Cardiff deliver GM cowpat awards

Last edited 1 March 2005 at 9:00am
Scary dairy - the cows uncover Asda's GM milk

Scary dairy - the cows uncover Asda's GM milk

Cows take to the streets of Cardiff to deliver GM cowpat awards

Last edited 1 March 2005 at 9:00am
1 March, 2005

A herd of costume cows and milkmen and women hit the streets of Cardiff to protest about supermarkets selling genetically modified (GM) milk in Wales. The campaigning cows will be touring Cardiff in an open top bus and visiting supermarkets that continue to use GM animal feed for their dairy herds. The worst offenders will be awarded the "Greenpeace Cowpat Award for Supporting GM milk".

GM ruling win

Last edited 9 November 2004 at 9:00am
GM activists boarding the MV Etoile

GM activists boarding the MV Etoile

Thirteen Greenpeace volunteers who stopped a shipment of genetically modified (GM) crops from entering the UK have had a charge dropped against them.

The charges alleged that our volunteers endangered the safety of the MV Etoile when they stopped it docking at Bristol to unload a cargo of GM crops in June. However, South Wales Magistrates Court decided that there was not enough evidence for a crown jury to consider the charge.

Greenpeace volunteers win GM ruling

Last edited 8 November 2004 at 9:00am
8 November, 2004

A South Wales magistrates court today ruled that 13 Greenpeace volunteers who stopped a shipment of GM crops from entering in the UK do not have to face charges under the Merchant Shipping Act.

Greenpeace volunteers in court tomorrow for preventing GM import into Bristol

Last edited 29 June 2004 at 8:00am
29 June, 2004

13 Greenpeace volunteers involved in preventing one of the world's biggest ships from docking at Bristol and unloading a huge cargo of American GM crops will appear in court tomorrow (30/06/04) in Barry, South Wales (1).

The hearing is being held at 9.45am at Vale of Glamorgan Magistrates' Court, Thompson Street, Barry, Wales.