66% support renewable energy in comprehensive Somerset survey

Last edited 31 August 2004 at 8:00am
31 August, 2004

Our campaign supporting the planning proposal for a new on-shore wind farm at Hinkley Point in Somerset has received a timely boost - poll results from Somerset County Council's recent Environment and Quality of Life Survey, show a high level of public awareness and concern about environmental issues. The survey was undertaken between February and April this year, and sought the views of over 4,000 local people on local environmental policy and quality of life.

Latest: Four thousand demand go-ahead for Hinckley wind farm

A section of this survey asked for responses on renewable energy in Somerset which is defined as energy derived from the wind, the fall of water, the movement of the oceans, from the sun and from biomass.

Results show that over 80% of respondents support the use of renewable energy, with 92% concerned about climate change. A very high number of households are taking action to reduce their energy consumption directly by installing roof insulation, double glazing and heating controls like radiators with thermostats. In terms of alternative electricity, 66% support the principle of generating energy through wind turbines with 17% opposed.

The Renewable Energy Strategy developed by the County Council's Sustainable Development Group supports the development of renewable energy projects while remaining sensitive to local opinion.

The interim report containing the results of the survey is available on the County Council website at www.somerset.gov.uk/renewables.

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