Aircraft carrier cash "not a solution ot a recession"

Last edited 11 December 2008 at 5:08pm

Cash should instead be invested in "green industrial revolution"

11 December, 2008

Billions of pounds due to be spent on aircraft carriers should instead be used to kick-start a "green industrial revolution", said Greenpeace today.

John Sauven, executive director of Greenpeace, said: "Spending £4billion on two aircraft carriers - that are going to be delayed anyway - is not a solution to tackling the recession, or securing long-term jobs for the UK.

"And this is made even worse by the further £8billion that the Government is going to hand to the US for fighter jets to put on these carriers.

"Instead, the Government should have invested this money in a cleaner, more secure future for the UK by kick-starting a green industrial revolution.

"A green investment in cutting-edge UK technology will improve the nation's energy security, create hundreds of thousands of jobs, and make us a world leader in low-carbon know-how. And we'll lead the way in tackling climate change and securing the future of our planet."


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