aircraft carriers

A win on Trident?

Posted by Louise Edge — 20 October 2010 at 2:55pm - Comments

Yesterday’s Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) gave us the welcome news that plans to replace Trident have been put on hold and reductions will be made to our existing nuclear weapons. "Five year delay" shouted the papers who widely interpreted the move as a compromise to keep the coalition government together.

The reality is that in the face of military cuts and a National Security Review (which concluded the threats we face are cyber crime, terrorism, a foreign crisis "drawing in Britain", and natural disasters) it’s hard to imagine how David Cameron could have ticked the yes box on spending £97bn replacing Trident. Particularly as there was already a joker in the SDSR pack in the shape of the aircraft carriers.

Aircraft carrier cash "not a solution ot a recession"

Last edited 11 December 2008 at 5:08pm

Cash should instead be invested in "green industrial revolution"

11 December, 2008

Billions of pounds due to be spent on aircraft carriers should instead be used to kick-start a "green industrial revolution", said Greenpeace today.

John Sauven, executive director of Greenpeace, said: "Spending £4billion on two aircraft carriers - that are going to be delayed anyway - is not a solution to tackling the recession, or securing long-term jobs for the UK.

"And this is made even worse by the further £8billion that the Government is going to hand to the US for fighter jets to put on these carriers.

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