Blair on climate - Greenpeace reaction

Last edited 20 October 2006 at 8:00am
20 October, 2006

Reacting to news that Tony Blair has written to EU leaders warning that the world has ten to fifteen years to avert catastrophic climate change, John Sauven of Greenpeace said:

"Blair's hypocrisy takes your breath away. He finally grasps that we don't have long to stop catastrophic climate change but in his decade in power CO2 emissions have gone up in Britain. He says he wants to strengthen the European emissions trading scheme, but last year he was suing Brussels to weaken it. He's done nothing to combat aviation or the trend for gas-guzzling cars. He says we need new nuclear power stations, but they wouldn't even be built before his ten to fifteen year deadline and wouldn't defeat global warming anyway. What we really need is new leadership in Britain that is committed to action, not rhetoric. Blair's legacy will be failure on climate change."


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