Greenpeace's campaign for real milk set up cardiff's first GM-free pub on Queen Street, Cardiff

Last edited 20 July 2005 at 8:00am
20 July, 2005

Greenpeace teamed up with professional jokesters the Ministry of Fun to promote the Campaign for Real Milk. The aim of the campaign is to rid Wales of GM milk. For one day only a fake pub, The Cow Major, will be opening its doors on Queen Street serving up pints of GM free milk and alerting the people of Wales to the fact that most milk sold in Wales comes from cows fed on GM feed.

The Welsh public have given a decisive NO vote to GM foods but what many do not know is that GM producers have found another near invisible outlet for their unwanted product. Thousands of tonnes of GM animal feed comes into UK ports each year, much via ports in the south, to be used as feed for dairy herds that supply all of the UK major supermarkets.

Greenpeace GM campaigner Emma Gibson said "We're here on Queen Street today pulling pints of GM free milk to alert the public to the fact that hundreds of thousands of pints of GM milk are sold in Wales each day. The public don't want anything to do with GM foods but the supermarkets are still sneaking GM into shoppers baskets." The fake pub was created by The Ministry of Fun and is complete with a pub bar, dartboard and regulars performing bar tricks. As well as pulling pints of milk, Greenpeace will be balloting the people of Cardiff as to whether or not they want to drink GM milk. The results will be delivered to offending supermarkets in the region at the end of August.

The Greenpeace campaign has been hugely successful-Marks and Spencers now sell only GM free milk while Sainsbury's sell a similar product in over 200 stores. A Greenpeace report has shown that retailers could easily take GM out of their dairy feed at no extra cost to customers or farmers.(1)

Studies from the US have shown that growing GM harms the environment.(2) Though there is little chance of GM crops being grown commercially in Wales, this feed is the last loophole for GM to contaminate the food chain. Unless supermarkets stop selling their GM milk, Wales can never be truly GM-free.

Emma Gibson added "We want to stop supermarkets sneaking GM crops in through the back door. Join the campaign for Real Milk and help kick environmentally damaging GM off our shelves for good."

For more information please contact Emma Gibson in Cardiff on 07801 212 994 or Greenpeace Press Office on 0207 865 8255 (1) See GM and dairy cow feed - Steps to a GM-free future for the UK dairy industry (2) Read the Guardian article GM crops linked to rise in pesticide use

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