Cardiff wide day of action against supermarkets selling GM milk

Last edited 12 March 2005 at 9:00am
12 March, 2005

Greenpeace are holding a Cardiff wide day of action against supermarkets still selling genetically modified (GM) milk. Shoppers the length and breadth of Cardiff will be offered the chance to exchange their GM milk for an organic alternative free of charge to show their rejection of GM goods.

Greenpeace are holding simultaneous milk exchanges outside six Cardiff branches of Tesco, Asda and Safeway throughout the day. Attending the milk exchanges and warning shoppers that the milk they've just purchased could be GM milk will be a herd of pantomime cows, Greenpeace milkmen and women, and Maizy the GM free milk float complete with fake fur, horns and udders. A 50-foot inflatable milk bottle stating 'GM free milk sold here' will warn shoppers at one venue.

Although shoppers have already given a resounding no to GM foods being on Welsh supermarket shelves many do not know that a million tonnes of GM animal feed comes into the UK each year. This GM feed ends up as food for dairy herds who in turn produce milk for many of the UK's leading supermarkets such as Asda, Safeways, Sainsburys and Tesco.

A recent report shows that supermarkets could go non-GM in their milk at virtually no cost to the consumer (1) Marks & Spencers have shown the way and already sell only non-GM milk.

Emma Gibson, Greenpeace GM campaigner, said "We're here today to expose the supermarkets who continue to sneak GM goods into Welsh shoppers baskets. Most people would be horrified to know that it's GM milk that they're pouring on their cornflakes in the morning. Welsh shoppers have already said NO to GM foods and today they can show Asda, Safeways and Tesco that they don't want GM milk either."

For more information please contact Marge Glynn on 07932 897315 or Emma Gibson on 07760 188 045

(1) See GM and dairy cow feed - Steps to a GM-free future for the UK dairy industry

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