Emissions trading scheme - Greenpeace reaction

Last edited 27 October 2004 at 8:00am
27 October, 2004

Commenting on the government's announcement that it will allow substantially more CO2 to be emitted by Britain under the Emissions Trading Scheme, Greenpeace Executive Director Stephen Tindale said:

"Only this month Tony Blair was telling us all how shocked he'd been by the latest evidence on climate change. Well we're shocked by this latest evidence that he lacks the will to do much about it. Today's announcement should have been based on sound science, not interdepartmental horse-trading. Scientists tell us we need deep cuts in emissions, starting now, but with this decision Blair has said to industry, 'you don't need to make any cuts, you can emit as much over the next three years as you did over the last three years'."

The revision announced today increases by 19.8 million tonnes the amount of co2 the UK will be permitted to emit for the three year period of the scheme. That represents 9% of the amount of greenhouse gases the country committed to cutting under the Kyoto protocol.

Stephen Tindale continued:

"Blair seems to have been hood-winked by the totally discredited argument that cutting emissions is bad for competitiveness. Cutting out the wasteful use of energy will improve our economy, not damage it. This is just another example of how vested interests with loud voices and deep pockets can drive policy in the wrong direction."

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